Rock the Week
Your Wednesday Dose of Shadow Rock News
Thanks to everyone who participated in the first week of our photo scavenger hunt. Kerry Johnson was the first correct guess from last week. Congrats Kerry! You rock! The photo was indeed the elevator pit. Also thanks to the Rampleys and Bob Lee for awesome joke answers.

Guess the location of this week's photo. Be the first to correctly identify what's in the photo and be recognized in the following week's Rock the Week.Submit your guess by clicking the button on the left.
Our Whole Lives
It's Our Whole Lives time! We're excited to be welcoming 22 OWL students later this month from 7th grade to 12th grade. Our Whole Lives is comprehensive, values-based sexuality education. OWL values are
  • Self-Worth
  • Sexual Health
  • Responsibility
  • Justice & Inclusivity
Who doesn't want to support that? You are invited to help re-stock our cupboard with these items:
  • Condoms (any variety)
  • Lubricant (water or silicone based)
  • Empty contraceptive packaging (birth control pill blister pack and similar)
  • Latex dams (the kind used in dental offices)
  • Copier paper
  • Whiteboard markers and sharpies
  • Index cards (any variety)

Bring your in-kind donation to the Shadow Rock office or deliver to Karen.
Sunday Review and Preview
If you missed the lively conversation between Travis Meyers and Pastor Ken this past Sunday, never fear! You can listen to the service on our YouTube channel. Watch, explore, subscribe!

Coming up this Sunday, August 15, Ken's sermon will be a response to the idea that as humans our most basic drive of life is not to compete and survive (as we might have been taught), but to connect and be whole. What happens to our mindset and 
relationships when we change a basic assumption? This is a big idea and a big shift in our assumptions. We'll be exploring this shift in different ways throughout the fall.

Also coming up on Sunday: an opportunity to read and sign petitions with Barbara Zaborowski right after worship! Several Shadow Rockers are collecting signatures on efforts to support education and voting rights. Barbara also has Judy Schweibert's nominating petition. Look for these opportunities right outside the sanctuary on Sunday morning.
A Woman's Place... Herstory
Mark your calendars! We'll be screening Herstory on Sunday August 29 at 3:00 pm in Smith Hall. Herstory is a musical tour of women and work in the United States, written by Marilyn Rampley and David Wo and directed by Forrest Bachtel. It was produced in 1985 and then refreshed and produced again in 2004. 
Fetzer Institute Study
On Sunday, Pastor Ken shared information from a study on spirituality from the Fetzer Institute. You can learn more about this study and perhaps give some thought to implications for Shadow Rock at this link.
Face Mask 1
Since March 2020, our health and safety practices have changed as better information has become available. Because of the rapid spread of the Delta variant in Arizona and our slow rates of vaccination, we're implementing these mitigation measures:
  • All masked, all the time!
  • Be prepared for temperature checks for all children, preschool and church staffs, and visitors staying over 10 minutes. Persons with temperatures over 100.4 will be asked to go home.
  • Please sign in at office main door with name and contact info to enable contact tracing as needed.
  • We're continuing with social distancing of at least 6 feet. This includes meals and worship.
  • Let's talk compassionately with one another and honor our journey together. Check in with each other about how you are feeling and what is your comfort level and level of risk tolerance. Health is not just a concern for individuals; wellbeing is a community experience, physically and spiritually.
  • If you are exposed or experiencing symptoms, communicate! Testing (schedule online) is readily available at CVS and Walgreens.
  • If you are not vaccinated, please consider doing so - for yourself and for others.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email