17 March 2021
Fifth Week of Lent

You are blessed because God’s image resides deep within each of you.
So return God’s blessing in the way you love others.
This Week Online
Wednesday (3/17): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 pm
On Wednesdays, we pray! Join friends for a time of compassion in the midst of your week at Connections Count. Bring your celebrations and your prayer requests. Click here at 7:00 to participate.

Thursday (3/18): Season of Nonviolence / Spirituality Thursday
We're still spending a lot of time on Zoom and other online ways of being together. How do you prepare for seeing people and being present in a virtual environment? Exploring tools for prayerful preparation - this is the topic for Spirituality Thursday this week, live on the Shadow Rock Facebook page. Catch this short reflection live or tune in later to watch the recording.

Mondays: Small Groups, re-starting April 5
Small Group Ministry will start fresh on April 5. After Easter, we'll be on Zoom Monday evenings for an exploration of Easter stories, Easter appearances, and Easter creativity. Already curious? Check out this article on Resurrection artwork featuring new research by scholar John Dominic Crossan. For more information about Shadow Rock small groups or to suggest future topics, please email Karen.

Sunday, March 21
10:00 am Adult Spiritual Formation is on Zoom. Start your Sunday with the link in the worship email. Our Lenten Journey of the Spirit study this year is 'Season of Nonviolence.' This week we're exploring the different levels of nonviolent action, including the secret sauce (it's not what you think...) that makes nonviolence work. 10 o'clock is a good time for listening and exploration. All are welcome!

11:00 am Worship continues on Zoom through March.
Worship is "what we do!" Whether it's online or in-person, all are welcome. Our worship theme is We Want to See Jesus. You can sneak peek this week's scripture from John's Gospel here, with verses 20-33.
It's time to make a reservation to attend services in-person on Easter morning! The 9:00 am service will be streamed and the 11:00 am service will be available on YouTube and Zoom. Let's all be prepared for safety: make a reservation, wear a mask, observe social distancing. If you missed Monday's letter with all the details, you can find it here. Questions about in-person worship for Easter and beyond? Just click reply to this email to connect with the staff.
More to Explore
We're using Rock the Week to share anti-racism resources as our congregation continues work to de-center whiteness and reckon with our nation's history of white supremacy and colonialism. It's hard work, but learning and growing are part of the journey. This week, find out about microaggressions with YouTube! Find an intro video here and a more academic, advanced dive in here.
The Phoenix Welcome Center invites you to be part of a compassionate response to new arrivals. The Center is asking for some specific items and Pastor Ken is willing to deliver! Please email before you bring things to the campus as church office hours are still in transition. Particularly needed at this time are men’s jeans and sweatpants, men’s t-shirts (small), women’s leggings or stretch pants, shoes and flip-flops, men’s underwear, women’s socks, hoodies and jackets, towels, and backpacks.
It's that time of year! The Southwest Conference United Church of Christ is preparing for the 2021 Annual Meeting. Shadow Rock is in covenant with the Southwest Conference and with the national setting of the UCC. Because this year's Annual Meeting is virtual, participation beyond our congregation's delegates is possible. Stay tuned for links to watch worship (Friday, April 23 is our own Rev. Liana Rowe preaching) and workshops. We're grateful for connections and partnerships and for board members who are serving as our delegates this year!
Shadow Rock's 2021 Lenten Offering is directed to RIP Medical Debt. This offering will provide real relief to families and individuals whose medical debt has become a huge burden. It's encouraging to imagine the relief and renewal that's possible for the families who will receive this assistance. Our offering at Shadow Rock will join gifts from other Southwest Conference churches and the Conference Executive Board to provide local debt relief within our conference's geography: Arizona, New Mexico, El Paso TX, and the Navajo Nation. Make your gift securely online here or write Lent Offering/RIP Medical Debt on the memo line of your check.
Reminders While the Campus is Closed
  • The United States Postal Service continues to experience service delays. If you are sending mail that needs special attention, please contact Heidi.
  • If you need any assistance securing groceries, medicine or toiletries, please contact us via email. The wellbeing of our community is so important, and we want to show our love and care to one another.
  • We see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we still need to reach out and re-connect with each other. Until we can all gather in-person, take some time to call, text, or email your Shadow Rock friends. 
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your support of the Shadow Rock General Fund is more important than ever. If you have questions about giving electronically, please reach out to Heidi. You can give to the General Fund (also to our current special offering, RIP Medical Debt) by clicking the yellow donate button below.

Did you know? You can catch up with all the Shadow Rock News like previous weeks' worship emails and COVID data tracking by going to our website and clicking "News" at the top of the page. While you're there, click around! We are changing, updating, and refreshing our online home.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content or offer comments, please email