12 May 2021
~Peaceful Eastertide Greetings~
Sabbath Joy

Now that we're running into the middle of May, you may have questions about July Sabbath. We will be observing our tradition of rest and re-creation during July. Shadow Rock Board members will be leading Wednesday Connections in July on Zoom to maintain our fellowship with one another. This return to our Sabbath practices feels right, a small-but-significant move toward a new normal as post-pandemic community gets closer. Just like in previous years, we look forward to coming back to the campus in August with renewed energy and joy.
Our Community This Week
Wednesday (5/12): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 pm
On Wednesdays, we share our love and concern with one another through prayer and connection. Zoom is the space for bringing our celebrations and our sorrows. This time together keeps us joined at heart! Click here TONIGHT at 7:00 to participate.

Thursday (5/13): Spirituality Thursday
Thursdays in May are all about family. This month, look for Homegrown, an encouraging series of reflections on raising new humans, live on the Shadow Rock Facebook page. Catch this short video live or tune in later to watch the recording.

Sunday, May 16 - Ascension Sunday
Adult Spiritual Formation will be meeting on Zoom and in the Multipurpose Room this Sunday at 10:00 am. This week is our last exploration of the ABCs of Spiritual Literacy. For Memorial Day Weekend (May 30), we're diving into progressive Christianity on TikTok! Dancing is optional. Sunday morning formation is for everyone - no preparation or prior knowledge is necessary, but you might need your curiosity and a sense of humor!

Worship In-Person: 9:00 am and 11:00 am
Worship on Zoom or Streaming: 11:00 am
Afterparty In-Person and on Zoom: noon - 12:45 pm
It's the final week of the season of Easter! Make the reservation form part of your weekly routine. Click the big button below to let us know that you're coming this week. It just takes a moment, and it can also be a reminder to hold our community in prayer in the middle of a busy week.

After the 11:00 am service, Zoom folks and in-person folks can both dive into Ken's sermon topic with a discussion question or two. Join us in the Multipurpose Room or just stay on Zoom for a deep diving Afterparty!
Learn and Explore
So many Shadow Rockers had so many things to share as our 2020 Zoom-only worship experience began to include breakout rooms and discussions! Now that we're hybrid, we're seeking to retain the best of both in-person and online experiences. You're invited to spend some time in community, reflecting on the sermon topic from noon until 12:45 pm - in the Multipurpose Room or on Zoom. When community deepens and roots grow, we find joy together.

Vaccine Gratitude! We had a grand total of 6 vaccine events and distributed over 600 doses of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine. This is faith-in-action (or maybe faith IN ARMS). Volunteers made this possible - giving over 300 hours of work in April and May. Injectors, greeters, parking lot managers, and the clean-up crew... we are all so grateful. And a well-deserved tip of our hats to Dr. Patricia StandTal-Clarke for her leadership and expertise.
We're using Rock the Week to share anti-racism resources as our congregation continues work to de-center whiteness and reckon with our nation's history of racism and colonialism. This Thursday at 4 pm, you won't want to miss a webinar with scholar Dr. Miguel De La Torre in conversation with Minister for Racial Justice Dr. Velda Love. Dr. De La Torre's subject is Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers. Register in advance for the webinar at this link.
Pentecost is one of the most exciting and inspiring stories from our faith tradition! Celebrating the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the community of early Jesus followers is joyful and unexpected. We sometimes refer to Pentecost as the "birth of the Church." Look for some creative moments in our Pentecost worship on May 23. You can get ready for the day by 1) planning to wear red on Sunday the 23rd and 2) play around with Pentecost symbols with this coloring page.
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your generosity to the Shadow Rock General Fund makes our ministries possible. If you have questions about giving electronically, contact Heidi. You can give to the General Fund and to special offerings by clicking the yellow donate button below. Our next special offering is Strengthen the Church on May 23.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content or offer comments, please email