Rock the Week for January 19
~Your Weekly Dose of Shadow Rock News~
The Joy of Epiphany

It's Epiphany! In these weeks between Christmas and Lent, we're exploring in worship how things move from uncertainty to clarity, from anxiety to belovedness. The question guiding our time together is this: "What does life with God look like?"

In this spirit, we are using Rock the Week to explore these themes a bit deeper. During Epiphany (January and February this year), we'll link to the text of the previous Sunday's sermon and offer resources for reflection that you're invited to explore on your own. Here we go!

Pastor Ken's Sermon from January 16: Epiphany Week 3 (The Wedding at Cana)
"Here I Stand": Sunday's Epiphany Opening Meditation
  • The story of the wedding at Cana can be interpreted as an extended parable in John's Gospel. How does the story (for you) answer the question, 'what is life with God like'?
  • Do you have an experience of "Ah Ha!" (mystery is revealed) leading to a deeper "OH!" (mystery is complicated)?

See you at virtual worship this coming Sunday!
2021 Giving Statements

2021 giving statements will be sent next week from the following email: <> due to Google mass email restrictions.

Please contact Heidi if you have a new email address or need a physical statement sent to you via USPS. Thank you for your continued support of Shadow Rock.
Santa's Helpers

The Shadow Rock Preschool staff celebrated a season of giving and compassion with gifts to the Ktizo UCC food pantry. We continue to celebrate our values and gifts into 2022. Thank you, teachers, for ALL the ways you give and serve.
Formation On Zoom for January 23

9:00 am Spiritual Formation returns on Zoom this coming Sunday. We'll look at the trio of Epiphany stories with an eye to our own lived experience. All are welcome to the discussion - just join the Sunday morning Zoom a bit early.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
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