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Rock the Week

10 May 2023

This Sunday, May 14

The Shadow Rock "bundle" this week includes Adult Spiritual Formation at 9:00 am (Multipurpose Room), worship celebration at 10:15 am (Sanctuary), and Sermon Reboot at 11:15 am (couch area in the Narthex).

The subject of Adult Spiritual Formation in May is the All-UCC book selection, How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi. Both those reading the book and those who are not will find encouraging and challenging conversation!

Save Our Schools Forum at Shadow Rock

Shadow Rock is proud to host Save Our Schools Arizona for their North Phoenix Townhall on May 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Learn about what's happening with education funding and how to advocate for children and youth.

See more townhall info on the SOS Instagram!

"It's Time to Share" - OGHS and Other Financial News

Shadow Rock participates in several national offerings through the United Church of Christ. One Great Hour of Sharing is an ecumenical effort that supports the disaster, refugee, and development ministries of the United Church of Christ. We'll have an opportunity to be generous with One Great Hour of Sharing this Sunday. If you give in person, please indicate OGHS on your giving envelope or check memo line. If you would like to support this mission offering online, click here and choose One Great Hour of Sharing.

The 2023 Lenten Offering totaled $3,530, which will support Shadow Rock's work with refugee families. Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

We're also seeking funds to replenish and re-energize our Facilities Improvement Fund. If you missed it, here's the letter from Pastor Ken and the facilities team. Our campus makes so much of our mission possible. Thank you for your stewardship of our church home, including those who have already responded to the effort. Our gratitude and our community's gifts bless our fellowship and the world.


Aging Event on May 12

Join local experts, including our own Travis Meyers, for an event centered on intentionality in older age. This free event is at Shadow Rock in Smith Hall this Friday, May 12 at 2:00 pm. See all the details here!

Shoutin' From the Mountaintop - A Report From Your Church Board

We do our best to communicate with everyone, but there's always a lot going on, so you may not be aware of all the wonderful things happening at Shadow Rock. For most of the last few weeks, Rock the Week has included a series of reports covering all aspects of our life together. If you read something that piques your interest, warms your heart, or invites you to participate, contact the church office, and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction! This week, we have two reports for you, from the Care Team and the Outreach Team.

Outreach Team

For those people and families that are searching for a spiritual home, Shadow Rock UCC might offer such a home if the searcher's values align with our own. The Outreach Team has been working to provide exposure to interested parties via an assortment of methods.

The church website offers an experience that's a close second best to an in person Sunday morning visit. The team is looking at our website as Shadow Rock's front door, offering a good introduction to our church, who we are, and what we do. The Team has made recommendations regarding updating the content of the website to accurately showcase who we are today and to also increase the visual experience of first-time lookers.

Having a website is one thing, getting people to look at it is another! We are using other social media to expand our outreach activities, have re-engaged with the folks at the Tattler to reach out to the more local residents and are reviewing other methods of encouraging those searching to take a look at us.

A well received introduction to Shadow Rock, either in-person, via a third person or by no-person can lead to a wonderful and lasting relationship – that is our hope.

Care Team

Caring for one another is part of Shadow Rock’s DNA. In March 2020, a group of people saw the necessity to give some structure to that caring by forming a care team. Since then, we have met weekly via Zoom to identify members of the church in need of some TLC. We have reached out and cared in a variety of ways:

  • Sent cards and notes for all occasions
  • Found rides to appointments
  • Visited folks who felt isolated
  • Occasionally whipped up a meal

Our most important task has been to stay in touch by phone. We all need to feel connected and a friendly voice calling to find out if you’re OK can be a spirit lifter for both parties. If you would like to have someone from the team contact you, please let Lois know. The grapevine works well at Shadow Rock but sometimes we miss someone. We're grateful for team members Pastor Ken, Lois Beberniss, Bert Ruby, Barb Geer, Forrest Bachtel and Linda Johnston. We sorely miss Carol Shipman who started the ball rolling.