Wednesday (6/3): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday (6/4): Spirituality Thursday on our Facebook page
A weekly video highlighting a different spiritual practice or concept. This week, Spirituality Thursday is 'praying the examen.' The examen is a meditation style to review your day (or some other period of time) that includes gratitude and mindfulness.
Friday (6/5): Yoga Nidra on Facebook at 9:00 a.m.
Yoga Nidra will be pre-recorded for this week and available on the
SR Facebook page
on Friday morning around 9. The theme is embracing growth and renewal.
Sunday, June 7
Virtual Worship is delivered to your inbox first thing in the morning. This Sunday we finish our series on the Essential Functions of the Church. We come full circle and ask what are our priorities and what is our future in light of the essential functions of teaching, breaking of bread, fellowship and prayer. The pandemic and civil unrest expose the fault lines of our destiny.
It's the first Sunday of the month, so join us on Zoom for communion at 11:00 a.m. Bring the bread and juice of your choice and come together as a church family to share this ritual.
We'll be staying on Zoom after communion for fellowship and virtual Coffee Chat. We will
NOT be switching over to Facebook Live.
Faith Formation is a continuation of last week's discussion on pastoral care basics, with the focus on the pastoral care skill of listening. We had a phenomenal conversation last week, and we hope you'll join us this Sunday! To participate in faith formation, click the zoom meeting link at 10:30 a.m. in Sunday's worship email. We'll talk until it's time for communion at 11:00.