15 June 2022
Rock the Week
Worship Highlights / On Our Way to July Sabbath

As the temperatures rise, we begin to cool down! But first, here's what's happening on Sundays in June:

June 12: Trinity Sunday
Here's Karen's sermon from this past week. This PDF version includes references and links to go deeper regarding reproductive freedom.

June 19: Juneteenth
Let's learn about Freedom Day! Besides Father's Day, June 19 is also Juneteenth. We also are welcoming the choir for Uma Familia, a Shadow Rock favorite.

June 26: Hello Sabbbath
It's our last worship service before July Sabbath, and our theme is 'Hello Sabbath.'
Sacred Sites News

The Sacred Sites team has a lot of big plans! Take a look (click around - check it out) at this outline of trips and events planned for the coming year:

August: meeting and "Big Bang" discussion
September: West Clear Creek
November: Wupatki Ruins near Flagstaff
February 2023: Southside Presbyterian in Tucson
March 2023: Rock Art Ranch

It's an exciting time to be part of the Sacred Sites group! Get started with this form to indicate your interest in these trips. For questions, reach out to the team:
Ktizo Korner

Heat Relief and Hydration program at Ktizo is in full swing and is off to a great, life-sustaining start. Church of the Palms is another UCC partner congregation; their shower truck provided 22 showers last week. Ktizo is grateful for this coalition to serve our unhoused neighbors. Donations needed right now include: empty prescription bottles and washcloths (these are soaked then frozen to lower body temperatures quickly). You're invited to bring these items with you this Sunday - just drop your donated items in the grocery cart and someone will take care of getting them where they are needed. Ktizo is also looking for a donated refrigerator or freezer for food storage. If you have one to donate, please reach out to Peg Hesley.
WISE Moment

This past Sunday, Michael and Liz Curry shared two different perspectives regarding the challenges of mental illness. If you missed it, you can watch worship on the Shadow Rock YouTube Channel.

It is the WISE Team’s hope that you will be encouraged and empowered to share your own personal stories
of mental health and physical challenges. The WISE Team is exploring ways to facilitate these conversations with each other and within our congregation. One great local resource is our local chapter of NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness). They provide in person and online support groups as well as crisis support.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email karen@shadowrockucc.org