August 19, 2020
spring flowers sanctuary
Caring for Our Earth
We love (and miss) our beautiful mountain home, and work hard to be good stewards of Creation. But environmental advocacy is more than energy-efficient lightbulbs and saying no to plastic straws. Last year, CNN partnered with Project Drawdown and published a quiz on the most effective climate change solutions. The answers are not always what you might expect - try your hand at the quiz by clicking here! Thanks to John Pierce for sharing it with us.
This Week Online
Wednesday (8/19): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
A combination of celebrations and prayer requests, plus a chance to connect with our Shadow Rock family. Click here at 7:00 to participate.

Thursday (8/20): Spirituality Thursday on our Facebook page
A weekly video highlighting a different spiritual practice or concept. This week, process theology in the campfires - instead of stumbling upon a clearing called Shadow Rock, can we imagine that the Spirit has led us there? Was some part of our soul responding?

Friday (8/21): Yoga Nidra on Facebook at 10:00 a.m.
Yoga Nidra will be on Facebook Live this week at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to participate.

Monday (8/24): Small Group Ministry on Zoom at 6:55 p.m.
Small groups continue through August, alternating between discussions of popular culture and anti-racism. Next Monday is pop culture. Contact Karen if there is a topic of interest you'd like to explore in a small group format in the future.

Sunday, August 23
Virtual Worship is delivered to your inbox first thing in the morning. Pastor Ken will be giving a short message LIVE at the 11:00 a.m. Zoom meeting, and we will again do the breakout discussion groups as we did the previous week.

Faith Formation is at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. You'll find the link in Sunday's worship email. This week, we're continuing to explore the iceberg model of culture with a look at white supremacy culture and its commonalities with American culture.
More to Explore
wedgeblade graphic
Our church is led by our amazing board. These volunteers meet monthly to discuss the official business of the church, from nitty-gritty policy to grand visions of the future. Due to some recent transitions on the board, there are a couple of seats open for this 2020-2021 year. If you would like to learn more about this important way to serve at Shadow Rock, please contact Board President Nanci Campbell, or Past President Liz Curry.
Thanks to all who responded to our recent Census. We're working our way through the 120+ responses, double checking our information and updating our databases. If you did not fill out the census, the form is now closed, so you will be unable to do so. You will likely be getting a call in the next month or two from one of our volunteers to confirm your information. We appreciate your help!
Focus On....
Each week we'll be spotlighting an organization or site that's worth looking into. If you would like to suggest a future group to feature, please contact Abeth.

The Virtual Theatre of Arizona is an inclusive space for artists to create, be in community, and connect to each other and the audience. We heard from director Tiffany Martinez a few weeks ago - you can find that interview with Pastor Ken here. Join them on their Facebook page this Friday at 7:00 p.m. for their next production - Here Lies Vivienne Greene.
Reminders While the Campus is Closed
  • Our mail service is on hold and being picked up more sporadically. If you have important mail that needs our attention, please contact Heidi and she will give you an alternate address so we can receive it quicker.
  • If you need any assistance securing groceries, medicine or toiletries, please contact us via email. We want to do our best to make sure everyone is safe and well.
  • One of the most important things we can do for each other during this time of isolation and distance is to keep in touch. We're a very social church family, and it's hard to be apart from one another! Try to take time every day or two to call, text, or email one of your Shadow Rock friends. 
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your financial support and donations are more important than ever as we go through this unprecedented time of uncertainty. If you have questions about giving electronically, please reach out to Heidi and she'll be happy to help! You can also give to our Pastor's Charitable Fund or Facilities Improvement Fund by clicking the yellow donate button below.

Miss a week? You can find previous Virtual Worship services as well as older editions of Rock the Week by going to our website and clicking "News" at the top of the page.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content for Rock the Week, please email no later than noon on Monday. We welcome all comments, criticisms, concerns, critiques, and compliments at the same address.