November 18, 2020
Stewardship 2021: Together
Our season of Stewardship is in full swing. Our thanks to those who have completed their electronic Estimate of Giving Cards, and those who are participating in the new Facebook conversation starters. Look for even more opportunities for engagement in the weeks to come!

Heidi's video from Sunday's worship service explores the Stewardship process and what it means in these pandemic times. We've reposted it here for you to watch again. If you haven't done so yet, please take a moment to fill out your Estimate of Giving card - found by clicking the yellow button below - and helping us move forward into 2021. Thank you for supporting Shadow Rock!
This Week Online
Wednesday (11/18): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
A combination of celebrations and prayer requests, plus a chance to connect with our Shadow Rock family. Click here at 7:00 to participate.

Thursday (11/19): Spirituality Thursday on our Facebook page
A weekly video highlighting a different spiritual practice or concept. In November, we'll jump on the gratitude bandwagon with a whole month of gratitude for the church. Tomorrow, we'll be grateful for the sacraments of baptism and communion.

Monday (11/23): Small Group Ministry on Zoom at 6:55 p.m.
Our focus for this small group series is mindful and safe holiday celebrations. You can expect supportive discussions and a welcoming Zoom space. Email Karen to get the Zoom link!

Sunday, November 22
Virtual Worship is delivered to your inbox first thing in the morning.
Due to increasing positive COVID test results in our local area, we have returned to a Zoom-only worship experience. Click the Zoom link at 11:00 am in the worship email for music, prayer, sermon with discussion, and celebrations! This Sunday, we continue our emphasis on "ultimate" stewardship: our prayerful caretaking and consideration of one another.

Adult Spiritual Formation is at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. The link is in the worship email. November's topic is creative prayer practices, which this week is focused on REST. Can we disconnect from expectations around productivity and work in favor of rest? Sabbath time is part of a conversation about our worthiness. Spiritual formation is a time to connect our values to our experiences. Conversations are warm and lively, and all are welcome.
More to Explore
What does it mean to “DECOLONIZE THANKSGIVING,” and WHY would we want to do it?? Southwest Conference leaders (including our own Karen Richter!) will sponsor and facilitate intergenerational conversation and idea-sharing Zoom gathering on Sunday, November 22 at 3 pm. Learn more about this opportunity by clicking here.

For more reading, our Minister of Wholeness Rev. Dr. Patricia StandTal Clarke suggests this article on Thanksgiving and its meaning to Native Americans.
A Stepping Stone Foundation once again proudly presents the Christmas Angel Program
for disadvantaged preschool children and their families. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we
can only serve 20 families, so our Angel tags are sure to go quickly.

Since the Shadow Rock campus is closed, there will be no physical tree this year. Instead, click below to learn how you can still take part in this holiday tradition and make the season bright for a special family.
shadow rock preschool logo
Due to the current high and rising numbers, and in light of Thanksgiving and approaching holidays, Shadow Rock Preschool will remain closed through January 18, 2021. The health and well being of our staff, children and families remains the driving force behind this decision. If you have questions, or would like to know how you can support our preschool in these difficult times, please contact Preschool Director Liz Curry.
Gobble gobble! Thanks to your generosity, Shadow Rock collected $1,655 for Desert Mission at last week's Turkey Trot. Food stuff was also collected at the in-person drop off, and we hope to have that total soon. Thank you to our volunteers for organizing this year's Turkey Trot, and to you for helping make it a success!
Focus On....
Each week we'll be spotlighting an organization or site that's worth looking into. If you would like to suggest a future group to feature, please contact Abeth.

The United Church of Christ has been partnering with Church World Service for 50 years! Together, they give support and relief to disasters around the world as well as here at home. We support this mission each year through the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering in the spring. Learn more by clicking the yellow button!
Reminders While the Campus is Closed
  • Our mail service is on hold and being picked up more sporadically. If you have important mail that needs our attention, please contact Heidi and she will give you an alternate address so we can receive it quicker.
  • If you need any assistance securing groceries, medicine or toiletries, please contact us via email. We want to do our best to make sure everyone is safe and well.
  • One of the most important things we can do for each other during this time of isolation and distance is to keep in touch. We're a very social church family, and it's hard to be apart from one another! Try to take time every day or two to call, text, or email one of your Shadow Rock friends. 
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your financial support and donations are more important than ever as we go through this unprecedented time of uncertainty. If you have questions about giving electronically, please reach out to Heidi and she'll be happy to help! You can also give to our Pastor's Charitable Fund or Facilities Improvement Fund by clicking the yellow donate button below.

Miss a week? You can find previous Virtual Worship services as well as older editions of Rock the Week by going to our website and clicking "News" at the top of the page.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content for Rock the Week, please email no later than noon on Monday. We welcome all comments, criticisms, concerns, critiques, and compliments at the same address.