June 10, 2020
"Shadow Rock Shares" Sunday
We're looking for your photos, videos, or written submissions - what have you been up to? What new skills or hobbies have you acquired? Pastor Ken and Peg have been re-watching Star Trek. Karen brewed homemade kombucha with her son. Heidi is conquering some dastardly difficult jigsaw puzzles. Abeth and her girls have been making cards (see samples of their work in the photo above).

We want to hear from YOU so we can share with the rest of our Shadow Rock family this Sunday. When we're apart, we miss these little details in each other's lives. Even if you think you haven't been doing anything interesting, we would love to hear what you've been up to during this time. Please email your words, photos, or videos to Karen by Friday so we can compile and share them.
This Week Online
Wednesday (6/10): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
A combination of celebrations and prayer requests, plus a chance to connect with our Shadow Rock family. Click here at 7:00 to participate. (Apologies for the error in last week's link!)

Thursday (6/11): Spirituality Thursday on our Facebook page
A weekly video highlighting a different spiritual practice or concept. This week, Spirituality Thursday is 'imaginative contemplation.' This tradition involves placing yourself into a scene or story from scripture (usually the Gospels). Perhaps this experience will help you to engage with the wisdom of our tradition in new fruitful ways. 

Friday (6/12): Yoga Nidra on Facebook at 10:00 a.m.
Yoga Nidra will be on Facebook Live this week at 10:00 a.m. This week's practice includes a positive and encouraging guided meditation called "Circle of Life."  

Sunday, June 14
Virtual Worship is delivered to your inbox first thing in the morning. This week, the combination of pandemic and civil unrest makes us feel frayed, worried, and tired. Let’s look for hope and renewal for each other with each other. Also, catch Pastor Ken’s interview with Brittany Wideman. She is still smart, funny, and kind but she is not the little girl anymore you used to know. She is a warrior. 

Faith Formation is a continuation of last week's discussion on pastoral care basics, with the focus on the pastoral care skill of perseverance or "showing up." To participate in faith formation, click the zoom meeting link at 10:30 a.m. in Sunday's worship email. We'll focus on this topic until it's time for more general Coffee Chat style fellowship at 11:00.
More to Explore
blue important date
Save the date for a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 28th at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Look for more specific details on how to participate in the next couple of weeks. This meeting will include a financial update and election of new board members. Immediately following the meeting, we'll continue with our regular Sunday morning programming of Faith Formation and Coffee Chat.
We may be apart physically, but we're still staying connected! If you have a birthday, wedding anniversary, or other good news to share, we invite you to email them to Karen each week by Thursday for inclusion in the following Sunday's worship service. We want to celebrate YOU!
AmazonSmile customers can now support Shadow Rock in the Amazon shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations:

  1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device
  2. Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings'
  3. Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process
  4. When you purchase from Amazon, they donate a portion of your total back to Shadow Rock at no extra cost to you. To date, we've earned nearly $2000!

If you do not have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app, please update your app. Thank you for this simple support of Shadow Rock!
Last fall, there was an email scam making the rounds. It contained a fake email address with Pastor Ken's name attached to it, soliciting gift card money. It seems to be popping up again and we wanted to remind you Pastor Ken, nor any member of the church staff would ever solicit a direct donation from a congregation member.

Please double-check your emails carefully - Pastor Ken's legitimate email address is , and any other addresses are spam.
Focus On....
Each week we'll be spotlighting an organization or site that's worth looking into. If you would like to suggest a future group to feature, please contact Abeth .

Founded in 2013, Poder in Action (previously Center for Neighborhood Leadership), focuses on leadership development, systems change, and moving local public policy. 
Their mission is "to build power to disrupt and dismantle systems of oppression and determine a liberated future as people of color in Arizona through our lived experience, leadership development and civic participation." They can also be found on Facebook.
Reminders While the Campus is Closed
  • Our mail service is on hold and being picked up more sporadically. If you have important mail that needs our attention, please contact Heidi and she will give you an alternate address so we can receive it quicker.
  • If you need any assistance securing groceries, medicine or toiletries, please contact us via email. We want to do our best to make sure everyone is safe and well.
  • One of the most important things we can do for each other during this time of isolation and distance is to keep in touch. We're a very social church family, and it's hard to be apart from one another! Try to take time every day or two to call, text, or email one of your Shadow Rock friends. 
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your financial support and donations are more important than ever as we go through this unprecedented time of uncertainty. If you have questions about giving electronically, please reach out to Heidi and she'll be happy to help! You can also give to our Pastor's Charitable Fund or Facilities Improvement Fund by clicking the yellow donate button below.

Miss a week? You can find previous Virtual Worship services as well as older editions of Rock the Week by going to our website and clicking "News" at the top of the page.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content for Rock the Week, please email no later than noon on Monday. We welcome all comments, criticisms, concerns, critiques, and compliments at the same address.