Rock the Week for December 8
Your Wednesday Dose of Shadow Rock News
Update on the Elham Family

Some tasks for Shajia and Navid this week include opening bank accounts, getting the children's routines settled, and getting identification documents sorted. It's not glamorous stuff, but it's necessary. For the next few months, the family will need our help getting to places and keeping appointments. If you are interested in being part of a "Driving Force" for this ministry, contact Pastor Ken. He is setting up a transportation schedule.Our goal is to support the Elhams' renewal and rest.

Also, here's another good boundaries reminder: help us be mindful of their privacy (and the safety of their extended family in Afghanistan) by keeping details about the family off of social media. If you have questions, please reply to this email to reach out to the Shadow Rock staff. We celebrate everything we have accomplished thus far and are hopeful about their future and ours.
Gratitude and Grace

If you have not completed a 2022 pledge card, the button below has all the information you need for completing an estimate of giving for the next year. Look for an update on the 2022 budget campaign and our refugee sponsorship obligations later this month. If you have questions about giving and stewardship, please contact our financial officer Heidi Zinn.

It's Coffee Chat Season!

It's THIS WEEK! Thanks to the Shadow Rock Safety Team, Rick & Barbe Stuart, and Nanci Campbell for making Coffee Chat happen on Sunday, December 12, from 11:15 am to 12:00 noon. Food sharing protocols will be in place! We are grateful for the opportunity to be together and rejoice in belonging and celebration.
~Advent and Christmas at Shadow Rock~
As a church family, we look forward to Advent and the Christmas Season. It's time to get excited about these events, so here's what you need to know:

  • It feels just right to dedicate our Advent offering to our refugee resettlement fund. Look for special seasonal offering envelopes this coming Sunday, if you worship in person. Secure online giving for the Advent offering is available on the Shadow Rock giving page.
  • We will have two Christmas Eve worship opportunities: 5 o'clock and 10 o'clock. Our early evening Christmas Eve service will be at 5:00 pm. This will be a traditional service incorporating candlelight and a choral reading. available in person and on Zoom. Our late Christmas Eve service will be at 10:00 pm. This is a new kind of service, an outdoor candle vigil which can be experienced in person and via Facebook Live.
Online Survey Opportunities

We all want to be engaged voters and educated about public policy. The Arizona Secretary of State's office offers opportunities to read and sign voter petitions online. You'll need to share some personal identifying information such as your voter registration number. Check it out at the Online Petitions site.
Small Group Ministry in Advent

It's not too late to participate in our Advent Zoom Small Group. We are taking a long and meditative look at the Christmas narratives in Luke and John at 7:00 pm on December 13 and 20. You can expect some supportive conversation, prayerful silence, and time to reflect and share. All are welcome - no prior experience with Bible study or meditation is needed. Just click the button below to join or email Karen Richter for a reminder and link in your inbox.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email