Rock the Week for February 2
~Your Weekly Dose of Shadow Rock News~
The Joy of Epiphany

It's Epiphany! In this joyful season, we're asking a question together: "What does life with God look like?" We might also be asking about a weather-predicting rodent, or maybe not. Happy Groundhog Day - it's a different kind of Epiphany.

In this "block" of Rock the Week we're opening some space to explore Epiphany ideas a bit deeper. For the next few weeks, we'll offer resources for reflection that you're invited to work through on your own.

Dr. Rev. Patricia StandTal Clarke's Sermon from January 30: I Am YOU
A Children's Book: I Am You: A Book About Ubuntu
  • Who are the people in your life who have helped define who you have become?
  • We've been talking about our proposed ambition statement. How do we put words to our community? We grow and change together. Have you experienced a time of intense change that happened with others?
  • How might we use our values and vision to push against the intense self-interest and individualism that's part of our culture?

See you at hybrid worship this coming Sunday!
2021 Giving Statements

2021 giving statements were sent this past week from the following email: <>.

Please contact Heidi if you have a new email address or need a physical statement sent to you via USPS. Thank you for your continued support of Shadow Rock.
Refugee Resettlement Across the United Church of Christ -

We're in good company, friends! Check out this news piece from the UCC national setting staffer Connie Larkin, highlighting refugee resettlement efforts by churches across the country. Of course, we're proud of our work in this area, and now our prayers join those of many other congregations with whom we're in covenant.
Update from Our Friends at the Welcome Center

The Phoenix Welcome Center is central to our community's response to refugees and asylum seekers. They are caring for as many as 300 people per day. Giving brings us to gratitude and joy - in that spirit, please check this list of current Welcome Center needs and give as you are able.
Happy Lunar New Year from the Bluebirds and Shadow Rock Preschool

Several preschool classes celebrated Lunar New Year this past week (it was officially February 1).

Also - can you believe it? - it's not too early to think about the 2022-2023 school year. SRPS Registration is Tuesday March 8 for returning families and Wednesday, March 9 for new families. We are so grateful for our preschool families, students, and staff. For more information about registration for next year, contact Director Liz Curry.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
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