Rock the Week

16 November 2022

This Week Around the Mountain 

Here's your "Need to Know" for this week here at Shadow Rock:

Sunday morning Spiritual Formation is at 9:00 am for adults in the Multipurpose Room. Pastor Ken is leading adults through a series on trust. Children are continuing Honoring the Body through November. In Advent, children will be having stories and crafts time, with adults joining in for multigenerational fun later in December.

We have special seasonal music and liturgy this week. If you're a regular Zoom attendee, you might want to listen via YouTube this week. We love the interaction that Zoom makes possible, but sound and video quality are better on YouTube.

One of our tasks together in November is stewardship... you can find the stewardship letter here. Electronic pledging is easy and safe.

It's a Sermon Reboot week! Stick around for lively and energizing conversation.


Sharing Joy

We support our community throughout the year in many ways, but right now there are a couple of special opportunities to share:

  • LAST CALL! We are collecting donations for Desert Mission Food Bank's Thanksgiving meal program, also known as Turkey Trot. While you probably remember bringing cans of food and frozen turkeys, we're helping Desert Mission serve more families by collecting financial contributions only. With grocery prices rising, more families need support. Please bring your check this Sunday (made out to Desert Mission or to Shadow Rock with 'Turkey Trot' in the memo line) or give online.

  • The Welcome Center has asked us to provide pumpkin pies for refugee families and asylum seekers again this year. It's our great privilege to say YES.

You can support these two specific ministries through the secure Shadow Rock online giving page. Giving expands our capacity to care and blesses us with gratitude.

Reminder For a Food-Sharing Season 

Shadow Rock is a place characterized by trust and care. One of the ways we care for one another is being careful about the health and wellbeing of families who are managing allergies, including our preschool students.

Shadow Rock is a Nut-Free campus. Please check the labels for all food products that you bring to the campus (like the December 4 Holiday Potluck!). It's best to avoid any products or ingredients that say "Processed In a Facility That Also Processes Peanuts," or any similar allergen statement. If you prepare food at home, please be mindful of potential contaminants in your kitchen.

Looking Ahead to Advent

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

  • Advent Decorating will be Sunday, November 27. There will be easy ways to participate during worship that morning. 
  • Advent Prayer Retreats will be offered at 6:00 pm on Sunday, November 27 and Monday, December 5. This is a time for you, to add to your peace not to add to your Christmas chaos! Email Karen to reserve your space.
  • Holiday Potluck will be after worship on Sunday, December 4. 
  • Christmas Eve worship will be at 5:00 pm on Saturday, December 24.  Childcare is available during this service. It's time to invite friends and neighbors to join you for music, candlelighting, and joy!
  • Christmas Morning worship will be at 10:15 am on Sunday, December 25. Festive attire and pajamas are all welcome. 

A Love Note from The Cornerstone Chorale

The Shadow Rock Choir is looking for folks who feel joy when they sing.

If this describes you, you're invited to rehearsal, Wednesday nights at 6:45 pm. Now is the time to join in for some festive holiday music.


Shadow Rock Safety Team

The Shadow Rock Safety Team is seeking new volunteers! Below is a list of the jobs available. For more information or to indicate your interest, please see Bill Peterson or Joe Botticelli before or after worship this Sunday. You can also email Bill. First Aid training will be available in the spring for all Safety Team volunteers.

Right now, the team is seeking...

  • Medically trained volunteers, especially those who attend worship with some regularity who are willing to step forward in an emergency
  • Holiday Season ushers
  • "Extra Eyes" volunteers, keeping an eye on the doors and parking lots
  • Holiday Safety and Hospitality volunteers (to fill in at Christmas week services)

Community Shredding Event

Our neighbors at St. Paul's Church (330 West Coral Gables Drive) are having a paper shredding event this coming Saturday, 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. There is not a set price or per pound fee, but they are asking for donations if you bring paper to shred.

Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email