February 17, 2021
What do we mean when we talk about love?
In this episode of On Being, therapist Esther Perel gives us some helpful language about love, loss, play, and loneliness. In the Monday evening Compassionate Communication small group, we explored the idea that relationships are worth risking an awkward, stilted conversation - especially when we are exercising new communication skills. Love of all kinds is a spiritual practice!
This Week Online
Wednesday (2/17): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 pm
NEW TONIGHT! We're folding Ash Wednesday into Connections Count this week. So, grab some ashes from your fireplace or borrow a spoonful from your neighbor and join us on Zoom. Everyone is welcome for this time of prayerful sharing. Click here at 7:00 to participate.

Thursday (2/18): Season of Nonviolence / Spirituality Thursday
Look for a body re-set practice this week, live on the Shadow Rock Facebook page. How often does our culture instruct us to fear and mistrust our own physical experience? This edition of Spirituality Thursday is an antidote, bringing us to a place of calm acceptance of our bodies.

Monday Small Groups: Season of Nonviolence Book Club Begins March 1
What if social change is not a matter of working harder but working more joyfully? What if our lives are meant to be love stories? Writer Rivera Sun explores a different kind of activism in her novel Dandelion Insurrection. Grab your copy (it's a quick read), then join the discussion via Zoom on Monday, March 1.

Sunday, February 21
10:00 am Adult Spiritual Formation is on Zoom. Start your Sunday with the link in the worship email. This week is the start of the season of Lent, a 6-week time of reflection and preparation leading to Easter. Our study this year is a continuation of Season of Nonviolence. We're looking at strategies for nonviolent social change and new approaches to activism. Expect a welcoming and lively conversation!

11:00 am Worship continues virtually on Zoom until gathering in person is safe for everyone. Worship is "what we do" together, celebrating and affirming our community and our symbolic life together. No matter how we gather, all are welcome.
More to Explore
As we continue our congregational exploration connected to Sacred Conversations to End Racism, we're using this space in Rock the Week to offer articles and resources for you. Conversations about race and privilege often focus on people of African descent and people of European descent. This renders invisible the story of Native people. This week, check out this article on immigration and border policy from a Native perspective.
shadow rock preschool logo
Every Child is Unique and Unrepeatable! It's an exciting time for Shadow Rock Preschool. Online registration for the 2021-22 school year will begin next week. The link to register will be available on the Shadow Rock Preschool website beginning February 23.  

If you know families looking for a preschool, please share this link with them or encourage them to contact preschool director Liz Curry for more information or to schedule a tour.
We're using our community resources to support community health!

Our next blood drive will be Sunday, February 28. Red Cross Blood Services will be in Smith Hall from 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. Appointments are required; also required are masks and picture ID. To get an appointment, please call 800-RED-CROSS (1800-733-2767) or visit and use the sponsor code shadowrock.
Shadow Rock's 2021 Lenten Offering is directed to RIP Medical Debt. This offering will provide real relief to families and individuals whose medical debt has become a huge burden. Our offering at Shadow Rock will join gifts from other Southwest Conference churches and the Conference Executive Board to provide local debt relief within our conference's geography: Arizona, New Mexico, El Paso TX, and the Navajo Nation. Make your gift securely online here  or write Lent Offering/RIP Medical Debt on the memo line of your check.
NEW! Free assistance with tax filing for 2020 is available at Shadow Rock through AARP. Appointments begin February 25 and continue through mid-April (first just on Thursdays, then on Thursdays and Fridays). Hours are 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. We're so pleased to be able to use our campus in ways that benefit our community. To make an appointment, visit or call 480-463-4912 or 623-252-1567.
new jos logo
At Shadow Rock, we sometimes take a new approach to liturgical seasons and faith traditions. Lent, the season preceding Easter, has become for us a time of study and exploration. You may not find too many Shadow Rockers "giving up stuff" during Lent, but we are intentional during this time about study, as mentioned in the Shadow Rock Covenant: "our life together involves us individually and corporately in study and worship."

It's time for Journey of the Spirit!
Our 2021 Lenten study will be a Choose-Your-Own Adventure / Season of Nonviolence Journey of the Spirit with Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Monday evening options. See the section above "This Week Online" for the details. For more information or ways to get involved, please email Karen.
Reminders While the Campus is Closed
  • The United States Postal Service is experiencing service delays due to the pandemic. If you are sending mail that needs special attention, please contact Heidi.
  • If you need any assistance securing groceries, medicine or toiletries, please contact us via email. We want to do our best to make sure everyone is safe and well.
  • One of the most important things we can do for each other during this time of isolation and distance is to keep in touch. Until we can be with one another safely face-to-face, take some time to call, text, or email one of your Shadow Rock friends. 
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your support of the Shadow Rock General Fund is more important than ever. If you have questions about giving electronically, please reach out to Heidi. You can give to the General Fund (also to special offerings, Pastor's Charitable Fund or Facilities Improvement Fund) by clicking the yellow donate button below.

Did you know? You can find previous weeks' worship emails, Rock the Weeks that you might have missed, and COVID data tracking by going to our website and clicking "News" at the top of the page.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content or offer comments, please email