21 September 2022

Rock the Week

This Week Around the Mountain 

Sunday morning Spiritual Formation is at 9:00 am. Compassionate discussions are part of our life together. 

We continue to need loving adults to walk with our children on Sunday mornings. You are needed! To find your place to plug in, please reach out to Karen via email.

After worship, join fellow Shadow Rockers in the Narthex and on Zoom for Sermon Reboot. This free-ranging conversation goes deeper and wider into the subject of Pastor Ken's sermon. 

Christmas Preview!


Believe it or not, the Shadow Rock staff is already talking through the holiday season and making plans for Advent and Christmas. It's time to bring you all into the discussion! 

Let us know about your plans with this handy Google form: We Love Christmas

And save these preliminary dates:

  • Boy Scout Wreath Sales on October 2, 9, and 16
  • November 20 Advent Decorating 
  • December 11 Festive Potluck
  • Christmas Eve Worship - December 24 at 5:00 pm

Community Care:

It's Everyone's Job! 

Coffee Chat: Show your Shadow Rock love by volunteering to provide, serve, and clean up. It's a great thing to "Keep It Simple, Sweetie!" with some nut-free cookies or fruit. Visit our Sign Up Genius to choose your date. 

Phone Volunteers: We need some folks who are available occasionally to substitute for our regular scheduled phone volunteers. Shifts are 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 11:30 am to 3:00 pm. If you'd like to help out on an as-needed basis, please reach out to Lois

The Driving Force: We are looking for people who don't mind a trip around town! Pastor Ken would like a small group of people to do some compassionate driving errands such as delivering a check for the Pastor's Charitable Fund, taking our refugee family members to an appointment, or providing transportation to chemotherapy. Please email Ken to get on this list.

Tiny drops of water,

Little grains of sand

Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.

Thanks for doing your part, beloveds.

World Communion Sunday Is October 2

It's our practice to celebrate at the table of Jesus (a nourishing place of grace and welcome) on the first Sunday of the month. October 2 is also World Communion Sunday. World Communion Sunday is an ecumenical event, observed by many denominations, highlighting unity and cooperation in the global Christian faith. 

This year, Shadow Rock will be blessed by worship participation by Pastor Francis' African refugee congregation, with whom we've partnered for several years. We look forward to deepening our friendship with this community, including sharing Coffee Chat after the service.

The communion offering on October 2 supports the Untied Church of Christ special offering, Neighbors in Need. Neighbors in Need focuses on economic justice initiatives including support for the Council for American Indian Ministry.

wood hearts

Good News to Share!

We heard good news from the Corral family (Ibeth Corral and her children were sanctuary guests) recently. Join in our celebration of Gladys and the whole family. We continue to walk with our sanctuary families.

From the Big Chad Law Firm in Phoenix:

Monthly Employee Spotlight

Please meet our Phoenix front desk receptionist Gladys. Gladys has been part of the Big Chad Law family for a few months and is doing a great job. Gladys was born from immigrant parents. She love animals and wishes one day to have a huge farm filled with lots of animals. Gladys likes movies. One of her favorites is Guardians of the Galaxy, and she loves the character Groot.

Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email karen@shadowrockucc.org