Saying Farewell to July Sabbath
How was your July, Shadow Rock friends?
As we return from our time apart, here are dates and information for our fellowship:
August 6: return to worship No spiritual formation. Online worship will have a fresh new Zoom link to keep our time together safe.
Local COVID-19 cases are on the rise. We're strongly recommending mask wearing right now. Mask up for your own and others' protection.
August 14: Sermon Re-Boot Join Pastor Ken for a deeper dive into the sermon topic immediately following worship in the Narthex.
September 11: Kick-Off for Spiritual Formation It's a little 'old-fashioned,' but we're planning a return to Sunday morning spiritual formation for adults and children the Sunday following Labor Day. Save the date!
Shadow Rock Preschool is ramping up for the fall semester. There are limited openings for children who are 4 turning 5. Please check in with Liz Curry for the details.