Rock the Week for January 12
~Your Weekly Dose of Shadow Rock News~
The Joy of Epiphany

The wrap up of Christmastide means that it's Epiphany! In these weeks between Christmas and Lent, we're exploring in worship how things move from uncertainty to clarity, from anxiety to belovedness.

In this spirit, we are using Rock the Week to explore these themes a bit deeper. During Epiphany (January and February this year), we'll link to the text of the previous Sunday's sermon and offer resources for reflection that you're invited to explore on your own. Here we go!

Karen's Sermon from January 9: Epiphany Movement (the Baptism of Jesus)
  • How does it feel for you to claim the experience of Jesus at his baptism - "You are my beloved child. In you I am well pleased."?
  • How are you experiencing the call of our culture these days? Are you feeling the urge to go to the mall, the gym, and the office?
  • Can you point to your own epiphany movements of OPENING - REVELATION - ACCEPTANCE?

Our time together seeks to respond to the question, "What does a life lived with God look like?" See you in worship!
choir sunday 2017
Celebrating the Ministry of Forrest Bachtel

This past Sunday, Forrest shared his decision to resign (or maybe it's re-retire) from his position as Choir Director. We will celebrate Forrest in due time, but for now we are both sad and joyful for Forrest and Carol as they contemplate what's next for their journeys.
A Word to the WISE!

Liz Curry shared an update and celebration from the WISE Team on Sunday. We're working on remembering the WISE acronym: Welcomng, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaging!

If you missed it, you can read Liz's update here. The WISE mission is to make concrete our value of inclusion, with a special emphasis on mental health.
Formation Cancelled for January 16

The Shadow Rock staff is not immune to this omicron COVID wave. 9:00 am Spiritual Formation is cancelled again this week as Karen's household continues to recover. Stay safe and well, Shadow Rock fam!
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Celebration

Ahmad Daniels, a friend of our congregation, recently shared this video from his keynote at a 2017 MLK gathering. You may remember Ahmad from our campfire sermon series just a few years ago. We join Ahmad in celebrating this weekend's holiday and in acknowledgement of the continuing work of anti-racism.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
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