Rock the Week for September 29
Your Wednesday Dose of Shadow Rock News
Cooler weather in the Valley means more outdoor shots for Seek and Find! Last week's photo of the trees and shade canopy on the playground area was first correctly identified by Gene McWhorter.

Be the first to correctly identify where this photo was taken and be recognized in the following week's Rock the Week. Submit your guess by clicking the button on the left. Also, check out B-roll snapshots on the Shadow Rock Facebook page.
~ Volunteer Positions Open~
Can't get enough of Shadow Rock? Join the elite cadre of front desk volunteers! These fantastic people answer the phone and welcome folks at the front door.

We currently have shifts open for new hospitality volunteers on most Monday and Tuesday afternoons - check with Lois for specific shift availability. Afternoon volunteers typically work from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm. We also could use some folks willing to substitute for regularly scheduled volunteers. Please email Lois with your questions or to give it a try!
What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Last week, we shared a picture of the Shadow Rock Board on their Zoom retreat. One task of the retreat was moving ahead on an Appreciative Inquiry process. Ummm... what? Appreciative Inquiry is a process for organizational change that focuses on strengths and successes. Learn more HERE and HERE. Stay tuned through the fall as this process unfolds to involve more Shadow Rockers.
Hospitality for Immigrants and Refugees -
An Update and Opportunities to Serve
Things are moving forward! In the coming weeks, we hope to share more about an Afghan family sponsored by Shadow Rock. Some information is being held closely, for the family's safety. This is natural work for our congregation, building on our work in immigration justice and on our well-practiced gifts of hospitality and welcome.

Sharon Haynes is coordinating household preparation and is ready to share this list of items still needed to welcome this family of 4. If you have item(s) from the list to donate, please do two things: email Sharon so the list can be updated and call Lois in the church office (602-993-0050) to schedule a time for drop off.

We continue to hold in prayer all families arriving to the US from Afghanistan and Haiti. Our immigration system is capricious and unjust in many ways. Let's keep learning together with these resources:
Profound Journey Dialog: Experience, Explore, Evolve
It has been a while since we offered our conversation about the theological foundation of Shadow Rock. We call this Profound Journey Dialog or PJD for short. Some of Shadow Rock's theological language comes from PJD, and we want to invite you to experience and explore it together. Our schedule will include sharing ideas about life, God, Christ, Spirit and Church and inviting participants to evolve their own understanding of these big ideas. The PJD outline incorporates large and small group discussions and individual discernment.

Fall 2021 Profound Journey Dialog is Friday, October 15 from 7 pm to 9 pm and Saturday, October 16 from 9 am to 1 pm (brunch included). For COVID mitigation and safety, we will be requiring mask use, congregating outside as much as possible, and limiting attendance to 10. For questions or to register, please email Ken or Karen.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email [email protected]