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February Is Black History Month

It's a great time to learn something new and re-energize our shared commitment to racial justice.

Rock the Week

8 February 2023

Southwest Conference Annual Gathering - IN PERSON

For the first time since 2019, congregations and ministry settings of the United Church of Christ, Southwest Conference will gather face-to-face in El Paso, April 27-29.

Annual Meeting is a time to connect with our siblings in congregations throughout Arizona, New Mexico, and El Paso TX. If you're curious about the governance of the United Church of Christ or how we navigate autonomy and covenant, consider serving Shadow Rock as a delegate to Annual Meeting. Karen is our in-house Annual Meeting nerd, so reach out with any questions or thoughts.

Shadow Rock Upcoming Dates

Grab a pencil please. Here are some dates we want to share with you.

  1. Introduction to Our Whole Lives values and a working model of sexual identity are coming up at 9:00 am spiritual formation on February 12 and 19. Come check it out!
  2. Ash Wednesday is February 22. Join Pastor Ken outside the sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. for a short service of reflection to begin Lent. Look for information on Holy Week and Easter services soon.
  3. Wednesday Connection returns! During the season of Lent, we'll gather on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm on Zoom, beginning March 1. Our focus is belonging and connection, beginning with a short Lenten devotion. Bring your gratitude and your concerns to this time of centering and prayer.
  4. We're planning Coffee Chat fellowship time on February 19 and March 19. If you are considering hosting, please use our Sign Up Genius.

Flag Retirement Ceremony Coming Soon

Boy Scout Troop 426, chartered right here at Shadow Rock, is performing a Flag Retirement Ceremony on Monday, February 13 at 7:00 pm outside our sanctuary. Scouts will be respectfully burning about forty American flags. The congregation is invited to attend.

Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
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