PTA Newsletter 


In This Issue
Principal's Letter
Volunteers Rock
Upcoming PTA Membership Mtg
Salmon Feeding Sessions
Rockwell Neon Glow Dance
Announcing 2016/17 PTA Roles Open
Special Book Order
Upcoming Music Performances
Extra Extra!
Math Challenge Tournament Results
Math Challenge 10 Winners
Box Tops Results
Quick Links
(Filtered for Rockwell)

March 9th, Weds
Orchestra Concert: 7:00pm at RMS

March 11th, Fri

March 15th 
Choir Concert: 7:00pm at RHS

March 18th, Fri
Family Dance Party - Neon Glow theme
6-8pm at R.H.S. Cafeteria

March 23rd, Weds
Community Meeting 
at RHS Cafeteria 6:30pm
Re: the upcoming Bond Measure

***March 24th, Thurs***
Rockwell PTA General Meeting, 
7pm (Library)
All Parents/Guardians Invited!
*Bond Information, speakers, and more...*

March 29th, Tues
1st Grade Music Program "Crazy Critters"
2pm, Rockwell Gym

Hello, and welcome to the wild days of March! As you have no doubt realized, March has certainly come in like a lion -- no word yet on whether it will be calming down and going out like a lamb. Please do continue to dress your kids for all weather, and if you don't already, visit our Lost and Found often -- many times, students come to school with the layers they need for the morning's weather, which are shed and forgotten at recess time. Twice a year, we donate so much clothing that students don't realize is theirs, so please come visit our clothing collection if you think you might be missing something!

THANK YOU to all of you who have supported us in cutting way down on tardiness -- I now that many of you are carpooling, and several of you are leaving earlier. More kids are walking, as well -- your hard work has paid off. We went from an average of 13 students per day arriving tardy in January, to an average of 6 students per day in February! The kids are proud and we are so appreciative; everyone is benefitting. Let's keep it up!

Many of you saw and read about the visit we recently hosted from 34 traveling students from Beijing. They spent the day in classes in grades 4 and 5, immersed in the experience of an American school day. Our teachers and students did a wonderful job welcoming them and engaging them in class as well as in play. Later this month, the favor will be returned -- the American Education Federation is sending myself and Mary Kay Weinmeister, from our 5th grade team, to Beijing to present upon positive school environments and student engagement strategies. Educators in Beijing will welcome us and we are very excited to share our learning across continents!

Thank you all for your questions, your engagement, and your support of your students. We are so fortunate to have you as our partners.

Kirsten Gometz
Principal, Rockwell Elementary

Parents, this time of year is BUSY with LOTS of enriching and fun activities going on at school! 

As you will see in this Bugle, we need all of you to help  make our programs happen. Running Club, Salmon feeders, Dance Volunteers, PTA chairs and board roles for next year...and so much more. 

If a parent is awesome enough to chair a program or event, let's DO OUR PART and support them! We're counting on every parent to help in some way!  If you've never volunteered, now is the time to step up for the students...and each other! 

Try something new, grab your friend and volunteer together. Thanks everyone!

Rockwell's General PTA Meeting  
Thursday, March 24th at 7pm 
Rockwell Library

  • GUEST SPEAKERS with updates on the upcoming April 26 Bond measure and how Rockwell PTA can help support the growth needs of our entire school district. We welcome special guests: Siri Bliesner (LWSD School Board member/former Rockwell parent) and Emily Papel (from the Lake WA Citizens Levy Committee/former Rockwell parent and PTA President)
  • Speaker from R.M.S. 
  • Updates from Principal Gometz and the PTA teacher representative, Mrs. Gibson. Ms Gometz will be discussing plans for 2016/17, the upcoming SBA testing, the Bond, and the partnership with schools in Beijing.
  • Holding a membership vote regarding the endorsement of the bond. Hope to see you ALL there!
  • Rockwell PTA news and updates on plans for 2016/2017 
To read up on the upcoming bond in advance, click here or attend the ommunity meeting at RHS on March 23rd at 6:30pm.


The fry have almost finished emerging and will be ready to be fed starting March 14th!  Please, please consider volunteering as a salmon feeding supervisor!  

As it seems difficult for parents to commit to multiple weeks, you need only volunteer for one 40 minute time slot.  This entails supervising about 4 students as they feed the fish and monitor the tank from 12:15pm to 12:55pm.  

Your job will be super easy and there is no tank maintenance required.  I will provide training at the tank this Wednesday and Thursday morning at 8:30am.  It's ok if you cannot attend, as I will provide a handout that will be pretty self explanatory (and there will be instructions left at the tank). 

If I cannot get enough volunteers, your students will miss out on this opportunity to feed the fish. Younger siblings in a carrier or stroller are welcome for this volunteer opportunity!

The fish, the 4th graders, and I greatly appreciate your help!  Please sign up to help out at: 
Thank you!
Jeanie Hahn (PTA Salmon-in-the-Classroom Chair)

It's almost time for the All School Dance! 
The theme is: NEoN  GloW

Friday, March 18th
6pm - 8pm
Redmond High School Cafeteria
$5.00/per person admission (Volunteers get one free admission)

Bring the whole family and dance with your kids (or watch them boogie with their friends) at THE event of the year. The black light photo booth is also making a return!

*Children must be accompanied by an adult - this is not a drop-off event. 

We are looking for PARENT   VOLUNTEERS 
to help us in set up, ticket sales, concession sales and clean up.  Please sign up here on the PTA website today for a short shift. Time slots are only 45 minutes so you will still have time to boogie. (Volunteers get one free admission!)

If you have any questions please contact: 
Mary Anne Blake - Dance Chair
Jennifer Myrick - PTA VP Events


Rockwell Parents: 

Your help is needed to keep our PTA Board and enriching programs running next year for our students and school community!  This past year, too many of the same people were performing multiple volunteer jobs. Many of our board members chaired events as no one stepped up to chair them.

Let's  all take part in some way next year!!
We need some fresh faces next year to help "even the load" and to continue bringing awesome programs and events to our students and school community. 

We encourage more dads and parents in the younger grades to serve on the board or in other positions around the school.   
Most positions can be shared with a co-chair. Grab a friend, your neighbor, or your significant other and volunteer together! 

Common misconceptions: Think you can't volunteer because you work? Not true! 9 out of our 12 current board members work outside the home and our meetings (once a month) are in the evenings to accommodate working parents. Think you can't be on the board if you've never been to a meeting? Also not true. You can even start training now to get familiar with a position. Any parent is welcome to our board meetings as well as the general membership meetings. 
Each and every parent: Please strongly consider how you can help our school by thoroughly reviewing the available openings. Your child benefits when parents are involved with the PTA.
Your kids are the future of our school and so are YOU

Some open positions for 2016/17 include: 
  • President or Co-Presidents (Board) 
  • Fundraising VP (Board)
  • Yearbook Chair, Back to School BBQ Chair, and many more!!
CLICK HERE to view all open positions. THANK YOU!

*PS: BIG Thanks to those who have already stepped up to fill roles for next year! You put the "Rock" in Rockwell!

Click HERE to order children's books by author Michelle Nelson-Schmidt who visited Rockwell Kindergarten students last week during Read Across America.

Book order is DUE by Wednesday!  

  • Orchestra - March 9th at 7:00pm at RMS
  • Choir - March 15th at 7:00pm at RHS
  • 1st Grade Music Concert "Crazy Critters" - March 29th, 2pm in the Rockwell Gym.

  • Kindergarten teacher Danielle Power has a new email address. It is now:
  • Congrats to 5th grader Ian C. for the Award of Merit for Music Composition in the Reflections contest!! Washington State PTA is proud to announce the winners of the 2015-2016 Reflections contest, Let Your Imagination Fly. Award recipients were selected from more than 1,100 entries submitted by PTAs all over Washington State. Outstanding Interpretation winners have been forwarded to the National PTA competition and all Outstanding Interpretation, Award of Excellence, and Award of Merit winners will be honored at a ceremony in April. 
  • Update your calendars with the NEW DATE for our annual Art Docent Showcase, Ice Cream Social and Used Book Sale which is now on Thursday, May 5th from 6-8pm. 
  • Sign up here to volunteer for recess Running Club - spring is here and the kids want to run!! Tues/TH at lunchtime. Volunteer whenever you can!
  • The parts have been cast and 50 excited 4th and 5th graders are now practicing almost every day to put on a great show for you all! Mark your calendars for Seussical, The Musical Jr.     Live, on-stage at Redmond High School Performing Arts Center on Sat, April 23rd. More info coming soon!

February 27 2016 was marked by the big event of Ellipsis Math Challenge Masters Tournament on the premises of the Bear Creek School.  This tournament was conducted for the top scoring students from the Fall 2015 Math Challenge Tournament.

As the result of the  challenging and fun battle these Norman Rockwell students got the following places and trophies:

2nd gr. :  Winson W. (2nd), Sarath S (4th)
3rd gr.: Udhay G (3rd)
4th gr.:  Timason W (1st), Peter X (2nd), Shaunak L (4th), Aparna I (5th)
5th gr.:  Kirill U (1st), Tony W (4th), Fredo G (5th)

Our congratulations! 

Special thanks to the parents who support our competitions as scorers, proctors, volunteers and bring up bright students. 

Katie S, Rizwana M,  math coaches
Elly Sarwono,  Director

Thanks for all those who participated in Math Challenge #10. Congratulations to the following winners: Avaneesh K, Zoe G, Layla A, William V, Atul V, Sebestian K, Aditi K, Srikrishna G. Andrew L, Tushar Z.

The next Math Challenge will be available online  Friday Mar 11th after  3pm


A BIG "Thank You" to all who brought in Box Tops and Labels for Education! Together, we collected $381.70 in Box Tops and 352 Labels!

FIRST Grade collected the highest average of 7.58 per student! They had a BLAST celebrating their reward: TEN EXTRA minutes of RECESS on Friday!

The fun doesn't end here! KEEP CLIPPING and SAVING those Pink squares and orange barcodes! Click for a Box Tops and Labels Collection Sheet. You can return them full of Box Tops/Labels in MAY!

Putting the FUN in FUNdraising!
Beth Batig and Stacy Hatch
-View Rockwell's Peachjar E-Flyers - a great resource for community events, classes and camps.

- AmazonSmile:  Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using
our  AmazonSmile link!   Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop. 
-Volunteer Application:    LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!

-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page:  Stay connected and updated on  Rockwell PTA & school info.  Stop by and "Like" us!  

-Bookmark & Register for your account on our  
New PTA  Website. Calendar info, announcements, forms, ordering yearbooks and spiritwear, and much more!

- Submit Photos to the YearbookPlease upload them directly to the secure LifeTouch website by visiting LifetouchRegister and use our NEW school  access code: PHEBEV
Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents.  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and, upon approval, will be posted in the Peachjar eflyer system.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.

Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at
Angie Ballas
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA