Powerful and poetic, this is a fantastic book for families to share together. It is a joyful affirmation of the beauty and diversity of Black hair. I read it multiple times to try to catch the details in the illustrations and text.
"Little Mouse and Big Bear live on opposite ends of the same road, and they both would like a friend. But every morning, Little Mouse and Big Bear pass by each other, unnoticed. Until one day, their eyes meet! It's a little awkward at first--as most new friendships can be--but soon enough they're sipping warm tea together in Big Bear's cozy home and making plans to meet again the following Sunday. When a nasty storm blows into town, will it wreck everything they've built?"
This is a sweet, gentle story about how two lonely souls find a friend in each other and how sometimes friendship isn't as far away as we think it is. Both parents and kids will find something to appreciate in the simple honesty with which this story tackles its theme, and in the beautiful ink and watercolor illustrations that accompany the text.
Paper Dragons, the Fight for the Hidden Realm by Siobhan McDermott
Recommended by Becky, for Middle School
"An outsider in her village above the cloud sea, twelve-year-old orphan Yeung Zhi Ging's only hope of escape is to win the single invitation to train as a Silhouette: an apprentice to the immortals. After her ill-fated attempt to impress the Silhouette Scout leads to a dragon attack on the jade mountain, Zhi Ging is sure that her chances, and her life, are over." Provided by publisher.
This new book is a good choice for fans of magical worlds and schools. The author was born in Hong Kong and takes much inspiration from the many places she visited as a child. The underwater realm, Hok Woh, is beautifully developed and will spark your imagination.
I couldn't resist the title of this one. This series begins with two teens who each own a dog. The dogs and their owners have opposite personalities and so do the teens. The foursome begins walking together regularly and as they spend time together, their differences seem less important. This manga is fun and sweet and this is just the first one!
The story opens with an old woman named Martha looking back to the year 1929 when she was 12 years old in New York City. She worked as a maid in New York City for a wealthy newspaper owner and Rose, his mysteriously ill wife. Martha tries to piece together what is happening to Rose. To do that she must try to find meaning in the art masterpieces Rose asks to have hung in the house’s gallery. But there are other mysteries here as well about family dynamics and class in Martha’s world. Martha is an irrepressible heroine whose loyalty and determination clash against the societal norms of the time. The audio version helps bring her character – and that of her mother and impish twin brothers – to life. This is a story filled with sadness and hope that truly brings history alive. [I agree! This mystery was SO GOOD! -Ms. Cheryl]
Families will love this new addition to our Parent-Teacher section. Each plastic bag holds a multisensory kit that contains everything you need to teach early literacy skills to young learners; a portable felt board, felt pieces and a copy of a book (like Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes). Felt pieces are engaging, support different learning styles and when little hands get ahold of the pieces, they allow students to practice sequencing and social interactions.
Find our growing collection by clicking here or typing "dpk felt kits" into the catalog search on the dppl.org website
Does your student need a little extra help? This online resource offers a variety of ways to boost learning. Students in grades K-12 can get live tutoring in a range of subjects. There is also a writing lab, language lab, and more! Even help with the FAFSA. It’s all free with your library card. You can find it on our website under Resources and All Kids’ Resources.