Message from ROA Chairman Girish Patel

Greetings Rodeway Inn Owners and Operators.

Today we find ourselves facing a challenge that we have never before encountered. The Coronavirus or Covid-19 has taken an unprecedented toll on human health, the economy and certainly our Rodeway Inn hotels. The Board of Directors and I have had an opportunity to hear from many of you, our fellow owners and operators, and we understand the challenges you are facing. We face them too.

Before this Virus became a global pandemic, the Rodeway Inn Board met with Choice leadership in early March to discuss how we are doing and how Choice can help us achieve greater profitability. At the time, we were focused on marketing, training and fixing technology. We asked for help and Choice sent leaders who offered us solutions. 

Today, we ask Choice for their help again, to get us through this challenging time. We have waved the monthly Rodeway Inn Owners fee for the next three months. The Board and I have also asked for help reducing fees, waving QA fines, and more, especially when we face significant drops in occupancy. 

And Choice is helping.

Like all of us, they are monitoring the situation and promise to continue to communicate with us. Please make sure you are reading all of the emails from Corporate Communications. You'll learn what they are doing to help us - and how to help yourselves.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Choice University has released a video about how to take advantage of available funding through the disaster relief loan process for our franchisees seeking guidance on this topic. The  video  features Yolanda Merriweather, Choice Hotels’ expert in the Small Business Administration loan process. In addition, they have developed an  information sheet  that will walk you through financial options and the steps to take.

In the meantime, WE need to continue to focus on driving business to our hotels and providing excellent service to guests so that they keep coming back and refer their friends when the economy and environment improve.

This newsletter highlights two very easy programs to help you through these hard times – Co-op Marketing and Training. Co-op Marketing guarantees results or you get your money back!

Choice University posts FREE videos and training programs which staff can watch in as little as 3 minutes to get inspired and learn how to better take care of guests and information related to Covid-19. Take advantage of training opportunities now while business is slow.

Lastly, our Board of Directors had four Director positions opening up this year representing regions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Voting was scheduled to happen during Convention. Since that has been cancelled, and given the current economic environment, the Board and I voted unanimously to keep the current Board members in place to navigate these troubling times and resume our elections at next year's Convention.

The goal of the Rodeway Board of Directors is simple. We are dedicated to working for you, our members, as your voice to Choice Hotels. We all benefit from the strength of the Rodeway Inn brand and open, transparent communication.

We thank you for your commitment to making Rodeway the best economy brand!
ROA Executive Board Members at the March meeting with Choice Leadership in Orlando

Need Help Due to Covid-19?

All Rodeway owners with questions on fee deferral can reach out to

Tax Relief Resources
Choice Hotels is a member of the Council on State Taxation (“COST”). To help members keep track of state and local government tax relief related to the COVID-19 pandemic, COST has compiled a  state-by-state chart  they are continually updating as additional guidance becomes available.  Click here for full details .

SBA Loans
Due to the anticipated high volume of applications for relief through the Small Business Administration (SBA), we recommend preparation of as much documentation as possible  now , and commencement of the application process as soon as possible. Eligibility and available loan amounts are expected to change as the result of the Congressional vote on the COVID-19 bill. We will update you when we have information on these enhancements.  Click here to learn how to apply .

Sign Up Today: Become an Emergency Lodging Hotel to Assist Others and Help Your Bottom Line
You and your hotel play an important role in your community during emergency events and now is a good time to ensure you are prepared to help should the need arise. Through the Emergency Lodging Assistance (ELA) program, CLC Lodging (CLC) works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide housing for emergency workers and displaced victims in disaster situations. Hotels that have pre-registered for ELA are given priority opportunity by CLC for lodging needs during crisis situations.There is no current activation for the ELA program but this could change at any time.  Click here for full details.

Cancelling APR Reservations
During this time of uncertainty for many guests who currently have or are making new travel plans, we are now allowing guests to cancel Advance Purchase Rate (APR) plans directly on Click here for more details .

F&B Alerts on
It’s important to make sure that your guests understand that some services they rely on at your hotel may not be available right now. Effective immediately, we are adding additional information in the Hotel Alert section of the ebrochures on , the mobile app and mobile website for all properties offering F&B.  Click here for full details .
For the most current information, please check the COVID-19 (coronavirus) News Hub on  on a regular basis.

Additional programs that may be helpful to you.

Drive Bookings through Co-Op Marketing

Each year Choice Hotels invests a portion of marketing funds, which are combined with funds from Co-op participating hotels to increase revenue and brand awareness at the regional, state and local level. If you don’t receive revenue equal to or above your enrollment fee, you will receive a full refund, or the next year is FREE (either option). Read more.

Get More Guests and Keep Them Coming Back
There's no better time for training

ChoiceU offers training videos in as little as three minutes. Just log in and find the right training for your property. Here are some to consider:

ChoiceU TV:
By everyone, we mean everyone that comes in contact with a guest and everyone that knows someone who needs a hotel room: Guest Service Agents, Breakfast Attendants, Housekeepers, Maintenance staff and, of course, Managers. Learn how your everyday interactions can be used to potentially gain more business for your hotel.

It's true! Everyone can upsell. Upselling isn't just about making your hotel more money, it can improve the customer experience. Learn simple tricks to make upselling easier.
Local sales are an essential part of your business. Complete this quick lesson to learn how to get involved in your community.
When you think of group business, what comes to mind? A sports team, a tour bus, or a wedding party? Today group business encompasses so much more than that! If you aren't working to attract all types of groups to your hotel, you might be leaving money on the table. In this short video, learn what you can do to help attract group business and how the Choice Hotels Global Sales team works hard to drive more group business to your hotel.

Room Condition
Just search "Room Condition" and that will pull up the entire series of courses.
ChoiceU Help Site:
ChoiceU Help email:
ROA Board of Directors
Girish (Gary) Patel
Rodeway Inn (TX554)
Phone: 210-834-2586
Vice Chairman
Jayesh Patel
Rodeway Inn (GA244)
Phone: 813-875-8818
Northeast Region 1
Preyas Patel
Rodeway Inn (VT041)
Phone: 802-775-2575
Southeast Region 2   States: AL,FL,GA,, KY, MS,NC,SC,TN
Krunal (Kevin) Mistry
Rodeway Inn (TN403)
Phone: 865-405-5159 

C entral Region 3  
Lal Dhillon (OR047)
Rodeway Inn
Phone: 541-523-2242
West Region 4
Yatish Nathraj
HTL Hospitality Advisors LLC (CAE31)
Phone: 951-906-4916
Southwest Region 5    
Nilesh (Nick) Patel (AR238)
Phone: 501-624-4681

Past Chairman
Dinu Patel (CT097)

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