Dear Rodfei Zedek,

As a result of increased incidents of Anti-Semitism and general vandalism, the need to be conscious of security in and around our building has increased. The House/Security Committee has made several recommendations to increase our security that have been approved by the Executive Committee.  

The first recommendation is periodic security training, with the next training session scheduled for August 30th. The second recommendation is to issue Rodfei Zedek identification cards to members which we will begin to use at the High Holy Days. 

The Rodfei Zedek ID cards will be mailed to you with your High Holy Day tickets. Just as you are asked to show identification when entering many buildings, including commercial and residential high rises, banks, hospitals, and schools, you will now be asked to show your Rodfei Zedek ID card when entering our building, helping our maintenance and security staff ensure our safety.

I have included some FAQs. If you have additional questions, please email me at


Diane Altkorn,
President, Congregation Rodfei Zedek

What happens if I forget my ID card?    
Just show your state-issued ID; the security guard will have a list of members.

What happens if I am inviting guests to attend a Rodfei service or event?    
You will be asked to provide a guest list prior to the service or event.

What happens if a visitor wants to attend services without having made arrangements ahead of time?     
The visitor will be asked to show a state-issued ID and provide contact information, and will be welcomed to Rodfei Zedek. We may ask to inspect purses, backpacks, and briefcases.

Do I still need to bring my High Holy Day ticket?    