Rohrer Review
Volume 5, Edition 1
Spring 2018
The spring semester was filled with many student and professional events that showcased the success of our students, faculty and community leaders. Our activities and achievements reflect the entrepreneurial thinking we aim to emphasize and inspire. We continue to experience notable and exciting times at RCB! Thank you for taking the time to explore and support Rowan's growing business school and programs. 
Dress for Success and
Senior Etiquette Lunch
Selecting an appropriate outfit for a business situation can be confusing for students. What exactly is “business professional” as opposed to “business casual”?

In order to shed light on this important aspect of correctly representing yourself, The Rohrer College of Business in conjunction with the Alumni Advisory Council and Brooks Brothers held a Dress for Success event for students on April 11. Gabrielle Moore and Christine Cerasi from the Brooks Brothers store in Blackwood, NJ outfitted five RCB students, in Business Formal, Business Professional and Business Casual outfits. As the students modeled the clothes Gabrielle and Christine described the outfits, how to optimize your wardrobe with key pieces and the proper way to dress for interviews, internships, and future employment. After the event, these students were allowed to keep the outfits thanks to generous donations by Dare Living Associates Inc., The First National Bank of Elmer, Home Bridge Financial Services, Republic Bank, and SureWay Property Management.

Immediately following Dress for Success, Enterprise Holdings sponsored the Senior Etiquette lunch. Graduating RCB seniors were treated to a five course meal including instructions given by Deirdre Nelson, an alum and current faculty member in Communications, on manners and etiquette, important skills to have when entering the business world. Both events were well received and we thank Enterprise for committing to sponsoring another Etiquette event this coming year. 
Supply Chain and Logistics
Industry Night
The Rohrer Center for Professional Development continued the industry night series by hosting an event for Supply Chain & Logistics on April 3. The room was filled with 55 students from all levels and some of our high prospect admitted students. Attendees also included Supply Chain faculty members and 16 professionals from the Supply Chain and Logistics industry.

The evening began with a presentation on careers in Supply Chain delivered by Pete Blok of APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society) Princeton chapter, followed by an hour of speed networking. F eedback from the professionals was that our students were professional, engaged and asked insightful questions.

The RCPD plans to continue to hold major specific industry nights to benefit students and to expose industry leaders to our high caliber students. 
Rohrer College of Business Hosts 2nd Annual Innovation Forum with TD Bank
For the second year in a row the Rohrer College of Business and TDBank collaborated to hold a Corporate Innovation Forum on March 13. The event was titled “Crossing the Bridge: Taking your Business to the Next Level and Beyond.”

In a keynote speech, Ray Rastelli, president of Rastelli Foods Group, told of the humble beginnings of his company and the steps he took to leverage innovative approaches to maximize his technology, human capital, marketing and financing. "Never forgetting where we came from is what gets us to where we are going. The foundation of our business is still built on that butcher shop from 40 years ago."

A panel discussion followed featuring Gregory Carlisle, SVP, Regional Vice President, TD Bank, Joseph Constance, Business Advocate, New Jersey Business Action Center, NJ Department of State, Dara Klein, Managing Partner, Kaplan Partners Inc., and Liz Thomas, CEO, Thomas/Boyd Communications and moderated by RCB’s Dr. Eric Liguori , Rohrer Chair of Entrepreneurship, and Executive Director The Rowan Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The panel discussed key steps businesses can take to advance the growth and success of their companies.
The event was well received and was attended by over 170 local chamber members, small business owners, and RCB faculty and staff. 
Rohrer College of Business
Opens The Center for
Responsible Leadership
The new Center for Responsible Leadership opened March 2 with a lunch presentation and ribbon cutting ceremony featuring Kyra Kaszynski, Strategy & Relationship Executive, United Nations System, Deloitte Services LLP and Helena Barton, PhD, Partner, Deloitte.

The title of the lunch presentation was "Responsible Leadership and the Triple Bottom Line…People, Plant and Profit”. The talk focused on strategies and pragmatic approaches to simultaneously enhance these important, although sometimes seemingly contradictory, organizational outcomes. The mission of the Rohrer College of Business Center for Responsible Leadership is to support implementation of the  Six Principles of PRME , advancing the values of responsibility, sustainability, and ethics among our students, faculty and community partners.
Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony
On April 19, the Rohrer College of Business inducted 156 students into Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. Students invited to join BGS rank in the top 10% of undergraduate and top 20 % of graduate programs at schools accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Founded in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma is the international business honor society for AACSB accredited schools, which are the top 5% of business school programs around the world. Once inducted, BGS members go on to serve in critical and leadership roles in corporate, entrepreneurial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma provides an array of exclusive educational and professional benefits to support members on campus and throughout their professional lives.

Part of the tradition of the Induction Ceremony is nominating a Chapter Honoree. The individual nominated for this honor has achieved distinction in business and administration and possesses those qualities that Beta Gamma Sigma fosters. This year’s recipient was alum, business leader and member of the RCB Executive Advisory Council John Maas who gave the keynote address. 
Celebrating Success
The Accounting Advisory Board hosted the second annual “Celebrating Success” dinner on April 26. The event was a unique opportunity to bring together current students, alumni, faculty, employers and other key constituents and supporters of the Rohrer College of Business Accounting Program.

One of the purposes of the event is to honor an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution in service to the Accounting Program. This year’s Honoree was Dr. Carol Welsh, who was recognized for her longstanding service to the Accounting Program as an accounting professor and department chair for nearly 25 years. Awards were also given to the student winners of the Annual Accounting Student Writing Competition. The evening provided an occasion for Department Chair Stephanie Weidman to update attendees on the exciting accomplishments of the accounting program during the past year, and was an opportunity for networking with friends and colleagues. The event was made possible through the sponsorship of our business stakeholders, particularly the firms represented on the Accounting Advisory Board. Special thanks are extended to Executive-in-Residence and Chair of the Accounting Advisory Board, Jerry Maginnis, for his leadership in coordinating a successful event. 
Please consider including the
Rohrer College of Business
in your charitable giving

For more information, contact
Joe Delgado
Senior Director of Development or 856-256-5227