August 26, 2022


It was time for an upgrade, and we did just that! 

Check out the amazing new Roncalli website at! Thank you to Steerpoint for all of their hard work and guidance through this process. Enjoy it, and let's go, Royals! 


Students are advised to err on the side of modesty and formality. Any student that is violating the policy will not be permitted to enter the event until his/her attire meets the proper requirements.

Male students are encouraged to contact Mr. Crissman with any questions concerning their attire prior to purchasing their outfit.  Here are the male attire expectations from the handbook:

● Long pants and collared shirts are required.

● Shirts must be worn appropriately at all times.

Female students are encouraged to contact Mrs. Reel with any questions concerning their attire prior to purchasing their outfit.  Here are the female attire expectations from the handbook:

● May wear a dress, skirt/top, or a pant suit.

● May not reveal all contours of the body.

● Dresses shall be one piece with straps over the shoulders and shall be longer than their fingertips. Furthermore, dresses shall cover all parts of the body so that no part of the midriff or cleavage is exposed.

● Any sheer, lace, or see-through material in the dress cannot expose areas such as midriff or cleavage.

*Because of differing body types, the same dress may meet the criteria for one person, but not for another.


Friday, September 16 at 7:00 PM

vs. Guerin Catholic

Get your Homecoming Post Party Tickets for $10

Roncalli welcomes back alumni and friends to a rocking post game Homecoming celebration on Friday, September 16, 2022! Post game party tickets are now available. 

The fun starts immediately following the half-time presentation. All are invited to the post party in the tent in the parking lot. There will be snacks, a cash bar and music by our local favorite Endless Summer Band! Get your tickets today online for $10. Must be 21 or older to attend.

Prior to the 7:00 PM game against Guerin Catholic High School, the Roncalli Classes of 1973 and 1998 will be welcomed to the Homecoming tent for a catered meal. If you are a member of the class of 1973 or 1998, please contact the Aaron Hommell at or 317-787-8277 ext. 242 to RSVP. 



Attention all parents and guardians of freshmen and transfer students, your students need to have an up to date permission slip on file at Roncalli. Please click here to access and complete the permission form by Monday, August 29. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Michael Wantz, Assistant Principal for Student Life


  • All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to carpool due to the limited number of parking spaces available.
  • Drop off in the morning will be limited to the main office around the circle and behind the gymnasium at door #10.
  • All faculty, staff and students will park at St. Jude or in the Bubble parking lot.
  • Drivers entering off LaSalle will park near the Bubble.
  • Drivers entering off Prague will park near St. Jude.
  • Parking on campus will be reserved for the Grandparents.
  • Handicapped parking spots for Grandparents will be in the West and North parking lot. Please make sure you have a license plate, sticker or sign for handicapped parkings as spots will be limited on a first come first serve basis.




9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Roncalli High School is excited to announce that our school’s very special celebration of Grandparents Day is back and will be held on Friday, September 2. Even better news is that after having to limit attendance in previous years, we now are able to invite grandparents of all of our students to join us thanks to the spacious nature of our new Ascension St. Vincent Gymnasium.


The format this year will include an opening program just for grandparents followed by an all school liturgy.

At the conclusion of mass, students and grandparents are welcome to tour campus or depart for the weekend.


Registration for this year’s Grandparents Day will be done electronically through the link provided below. Anyone (grandparents, parents, grandchildren) can access the link and complete the registration. There will be no invitation letter or paper registration this year. Any grandparents who wish to be a part of our celebration this year must submit the following information (name, address, email, cell phone number) through the link. DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 AM WITH PROGRAM AT 9:30 AM.

We are looking forward to the return of this wonderful day and to welcoming our grandparents back to campus!! Grandparents, please do not arrive on campus before 8:30 AM as this creates great congestion for our students as they arrive for their school day.

Register for Grandparents Day


The planning of the 2022 Walkathon is underway and we are looking for gift cards to use as door prizes/incentives for the students to encourage participation. If you would like to donate a gift card to a local eatery/shopping spot. Please contact Andrea Wagner or send to the Advancement Office. In addition, we need a few parent volunteers the day of Walkathon (10/28/22) to help the event run smoothly. If you are available to assist with this years Walkathon, please sign up via the button below.

More information about fundraising for the event will come very soon.



SEPTEMBER 22, 2022



Invite friends and family to join you at this year's distinction dinner. Please contact Tina Hayes at to be a table host at the Circle of Faith Distinction Dinner. 

Join us as we honor this year's distinguished guests!

  • Alumnus of the Year - Andy Elsener R'97
  • Royal Award - Matt Taylor R'04
  • Honorary Alumnus - Mark Stratton
  • St. John XXIII Award - Frank Sergi
  • Volunteer of the Year - Terri Madden and Jenny Randol


More information and invitations are coming soon.

RSVP for Event


Parents or guardians who have their first child attending Roncalli as a freshman this fall are invited to join Principal Kevin Banich and Dean of Students Tim Crissman for a meeting to discuss Roncalli's desire to be in partnership with each family during the time that you share your child/children with us. This required freshman parent meeting was instituted twelve years ago primarily as a means to try and establish or insure some “common ground” between our parents as primary educators and Roncalli as secondary educators. The meetings have received positive reviews from parents.


There are three opportunities for parents/guardians to attend one of these meetings. The dates are: September 8 (English), September 14 (English and Spanish), and September 20 (English). The English meetings begin at 7:00 PM in the school’s auditorium while the Spanish meeting will begin at 7:00 PM in the Student Life Center.


NOTE: Parents who have had a freshman student previously at Roncalli are not required to attend one of these meetings. Failure to attend one of these meetings will result in the student not being allowed to stay at Roncalli for the second semester of the school year.


Please direct all questions to our Dean of Students, Tim Crissman, at 787-8277, extension 223 or


Roncalli is excited to introduce our newest Vice President of Happiness, Kassing Beckwith. Kassing, or Kass, as he’s affectionately referred to is a two year old black lab from ICAN, Indiana Canine Assistance Network. Kass had to complete extensive training throughout his young life that included a temperament test, formal obedience and service work, and multiple public access tests in order to earn the certification of facility dog.  

Facility dogs are similar to therapy dogs. But unlike therapy dogs, who only work occasionally as they are taken a few hours at a time to a hospital or other institution, facility dogs generally “work” full-time at the facility. Facility dogs do not have public access rights as outlined by the ADA but can work inside a particular facility when the administration of the facility has approved of the presence of the dog.

While at school all day, Kass will spend most of his time in the guidance department with his handler, Mrs. Beckwith. She is the one who will manage his leash and his location most of the time. The other counselors, our school social workers, Mrs. Buxton and Mrs. Kelshaw and some STARS teachers will also be his “handler” on occasion. Kass will attend class each day with our Life Academy students listening while they read to him or working with them while they practice life skills.  

Students should always ask if they can pet Kass, but the answer is rarely no. Kass should not be given treats! As a canine companion dog, he is under weight restrictions. His handler will have a cup of kibble she can give him throughout the day when he’s earned a reward. So even though he is just so cute, a scratch on the head or backside will make him just as happy!

In his free time, Kass lives with the Beckwiths where he gets to be a regular two year old pup with his dog brother, Cypher. He enjoys long walks anywhere, playing tug, sniffing and finding leftover snacks on the kitchen floor.


A sales representative from Awards America will be in the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM and Thursday, October 6, 2022 during all lunches to take orders for all students interested in purchasing a Roncalli letter jacket this year.

Payment will be required at the time of order, with checks to be made out to Roncalli High School.

Information/Price sheet may be picked up at the Main Office or the Athletic Department office. Any questions please email Regan Getz,  


Are you an experienced human resources professional? Roncalli is in need of volunteers to join a new Human Resources Committee that will focus on the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff. Help us create a comprehensive benefits program that will keep our faculty and staff successful, strong and satisfied. Contact Wendy Lawrie at for more information or to sign up for the committee. 


Students who have been involved in the performing arts program for at least two years are invited to be included in this year’s Performing Arts Book. Forms have been passed out in performing arts classes. If your senior does not have a performing arts class this year, they may stop by the box office to pick up a form. Completed forms need to be returned to Mrs. Lewinski in the box office by Sept. 2. Pictures for the book will be taken Wednesday, Sept. 7.


Roncalli High School is looking to fill positions in our grounds and custodial areas. Both full and part time positions are available. Benefits are available for all full-time positions as well as tuition discounts to the school. Ask us about our part-time positions with full time benefits and tuition discounts! If interested, please contact Dave Gervasio at 317-787-8277 etc. 246.


The deadline to file a Choice Scholarship is fast approaching! If you do not see a Choice Scholarship credit on your tuition account, one has not been filed for your child. Don't miss out on thousands of dollars in tuition help. Please contact Amy Kuntz at if you have any questions about this program or to check your eligibility.  


The Marion County Public Health Department will be at Roncalli to administer the state mandated hearing screening services for sophomores on Wednesday, August 31. A parent/guardian has the right to decline this service for your child. If you do not want the health department to conduct a hearing screening for your sophomore child, please send in a written note to Andi Baker in the front office. If you have questions, please contact Andi Baker at or 317-787-8277, ext. 221 in the main office.


"Breakfast with the President" is an opportunity for parents of freshmen to join Roncalli High School president Chuck Weisenbach R'79 for a casual breakfast and conversation in an intimate setting limited to no more than 15 people.

The breakfasts will be held from 7:30 - 8:45 AM in the President's Conference Room on September 16, 26, 30 and October 3.

Please RSVP to Raegan Evans to select your date to attend.


Roncalli High School works with local law enforcement officials continuously reviewing and updating our Emergency Preparedness Plan based on best practices learned from school experiences all across the country. Law enforcement has shared with us that a review of some school shootings shows that they have taken place during the time period in the morning prior to the start of school when students, teachers and staff are arriving on campus and entering the school. They (law enforcement) have recommended that we collect student cell phone numbers so that we can communicate directly with students if an emergency situation exists in the time period leading up to the start of school when we may have students in the parking lot, driving into school, etc.


NOTE: The school's only use of these numbers will be for emergency notification.


While many families may have already registered their child's cell phone number with us, we will be verifying all numbers in the system during the week of August 22 for both incoming freshmen and transfer students. Please notify Tim Crissman our Dean of Students if you as parents/guardians do not wish for Roncalli to have your child's cell phone number. 


For parents wanting to make a parent account in canvas.DIRECTION


Get the cool tie-dye t-shirt for $20! We have a few of these cool shirts left from the Summer Social. Contact Tina Hayes at


Please read attached letters for social work services here at Roncalli.

English Version
Spanish Version


Please consider helping with rides to and from Roncalli. Contact Andi Baker at with any carpool needs. 

Needs assistance:

  • Ride home after school on Tuesday and Thursday. (135 & Olive Branch)
  • Ride home from school. (Thompson & Sherman)
  • Ride home on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & every other Friday. (Banta & Bluff - Dakota Ridge Apartments)
  • Ride home from school each day. (located two minutes from St. Roch)
  • Ride to and from school. (Mooresville area)
  • Ride home a few days a week (Main Street & US 31)
  • Ride home from school 2-3 days a week until January 15. (Beech Grove)
  • Ride home after school for week of 9/6-9/9. (SR 37 & Southport - Governors Pointe) 


School policy does not provide for any early start of or extension of either fall or spring break. No student will be excused from school on any day(s) the week before or the week after fall or spring break. Any student’s absence on these days will be considered unexcused. An unexcused absence means that two points will be deducted from the student’s cumulative grade in each class at the end of that grading period. Students absent because of illness on the day(s) preceding and/or immediately following fall or spring break will be required to bring a doctor’s excuse to the Attendance Officer upon their return to school.


The updated 2022-2023 Roncalli Handbook can be found here. As a reminder for the school year, students are to be dressed in a uniform polo shirt, quarter zip or crew neck sweatshirt purchased from the school. Additionally, students are permitted to wear cotton twill pants of their choice in either Navy Blue or Khaki color. The pants are to be a minimum of boot cut and/or straight leg and may not be worn in a manner that hugs the complete contour of the lower body. Also, the only visible piercing that is permitted are piercings in the ears. No other facial piercings are permitted to be worn. Students are not allowed to have any unnaturally occurring hair color. Finally, all young men are to clean-shaven daily.  

Handbook Revisions for 2022-2023

Each year in an effort to continue to meet the academic, social and spiritual needs of our student body, a comprehensive review of our Roncalli Handbook is conducted. In response to our review of the handbook, here are a few of the updates made to the Handbook:

  • Wearable Technology - Smartwatches or other such devices that connect to a phone or directly to a wireless network are no longer permitted to be worn during the school day. Please review section 6.3.7.
  • Fall Break Policy - Spring Break Policy was updated to include Fall Break as well as to how student absences will be accounted for. Please review section 5.1.7.
  • Tardy to School - As tardy situations accrual the number of associated detentions, Saturday Schools and Suspension grow. Please review section 5.1.8.
  • Tuesday Late Arrival - Please see the updated school schedules which indicate that school will start at 8:15 AM on Tuesdays throughout the school year. Please review section 5.2.1.

Each student will receive in his/her theology class, a Handbook Read Receipt Form that must be signed after both the student and a parent/guardian reviews the handbook.  This form is due back to school no later than August 12th.   

Please feel free to contact Tim Crissman, Dean of Students, with any Handbook related questions. 


On September 30th, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the dedication of the school building. What started as Chartrand High School has become the Roncalli High School that we know and love today.

Chartrand alumni contact Aaron Hommell R'07 at


The new school year has started and we want to thank everyone for a smooth beginning. 

Last year, meals were free for all students, but this year, the government has not approved free meals for all so we are back to charging for breakfast and lunch unless you qualify for free or reduced meals. How can you qualify for free or reduced meals? You can fill out an application at and submit it. You will be notified if you are eligible. If your student was eligible for free or reduced meals last year, that eligibility only extends through the first 30 days of this school year so a new application should be submitted.

Some families are “directly certified” for free or reduced meals, and those families should already have been notified. Those students who are eligible for free and reduced meals don’t have to do anything special to get the benefit. The benefit is programmed into the computer. No money is subtracted for free meals and only $0.40 is subtracted for a reduced lunch and $0.30 is subtracted for a reduced breakfast. 

The cost of a school lunch is $3.75 this year. A lunch consists of an entrée, as many fruit and vegetable sides as you like (only one of each) and a milk.  A lunch can be made from any line in the cafeteria. You must take a fruit or a vegetable with the entrée for it to count as a lunch. 

We are aware that it will be easy for students to go in the negative on their Mealtime lunch accounts after being used to getting free meals for the past 2 years. So be aware that extra a la carte items like cookies, water, milkshakes and chips are charged in addition to lunch. We will email low balance statements twice a week, but you can create an account at and keep track of your student’s spending. 

Money can be added to your student’s Mealtime account online but there is a 4.9% service charge. We have learned that the charge is NOT refunded if you put in more than $100 as previously thought. So if you want to avoid a service fee, you may send a check or cash in to school with your student. Money can be placed in the the lunch mailbox located in the main office or the lunch mailbox located in the cafeteria. 

If you have any questions, please call the cafeteria office at (317)788-4099 or email Jeff Richardson at

This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider


Every little bit counts! Take a look at the great benefits Roncalli receives when you shop at Kroger with your Kroger rewards card. Make sure you have your card associated with Roncalli’s code AS409. See the link at the bottom of the newsletter, or go to, choose “I’m a Customer,” and type in Roncalli’s code AS409 to link your rewards to benefit our school.


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.

Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at


Please come join us for the St. Ann Summer Festival! It’s fun for everyone with games, carnival rides, Monte Carlo games, beer tent and our luscious dinners and home-baked desserts. Hope to see you there!

(IGC #002377 Ref #156448)


Lord we pray for the repose of the soul of Kathy Tinder, former Roncalli teacher of 43 years. She was the Home Economics teacher/department, later to be called Family & Consumer Science. She held countless other roles such as coach, class moderator, Jr-Sr Prom coordinator, ticket seller/taker extraordinaire, and was one of our school's most ardent, faithful supporters. Her greatest gift may have been the caring, compassionate heart she had for kids and the unconditional love she offered everyone one of them. Her ministry was defined by her relationships, which were countless! Kathy was the wife of Ed Tinder BC'67 and mother of Mike Tinder R'94, Chris Tinder R'96 and Megan (Tinder) Keever R'00.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


  • For the repose of the soul of Jim Huser, father, grandfather and great grandfather of many Roncalli alumni. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
  • For God’s blessings and mercy upon Archbishop Charles Thompson and his ministry in shepherding the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.
  • For those who struggle to find adequate food, clothing, shelter, and medical services and for those most in need of God’s mercy.
  • For healing of body, mind and spirit for all people dealing with depression, addiction or mental health issues.
  • For strength and healing for all those fighting off life-threatening illness and for their families and caregivers.
  • For the men and women of our armed forces and their families, especially our Roncalli High School alums who are serving in the military.
  • For our Roncalli alums preparing for a religious vocation as a priest, religious woman or missionary.
  • For vocations to the priesthood, religious life and missionary field, and that Roncalli High School and its families will provide a nurturing environment that fosters and supports these vocations.


(317) 787-8277