UW-Parkside and Root-Pike WIN Partner
to Enhance and Improve 210-Acre Cross-Country Course
Project Launches Watershed-wide "Pollinator Patch Program"
Dave Giordano, George Stoner, Amanda Johnson, Dr. Julie Kinzelman, Dr. Dave Rogers and Chancellor Dr. Ford
The 210-acre UW-Parkside
Wayne E. Dannehl National Cross Country Course in the Pike River watershed
UW-Parkside is in a unique position to rehabilitate and enhance the approximately 210 acres of forest and open space between county highways JR and E, and state Highway 31. These areas provide appealing native vegetation and prime habitat for wildlife, including the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee and other pollinators.
The UW-Parkside cross-country course parcel is the hub of many important regional assets. Its an awesome place to run, bird watch, and cross-country ski in Southeastern Wisconsin. Its also a vital educational hub as part of the UW-Parkside campus and UW System. Even more so, it’s near the center of the Pike River watershed where the North and South Branch meet to form the main branch in Petrifying Springs. This is where Kenosha County is doing their impressive restoration work. Uniquely, the course and campus are at the epicenter of the federally-endangered Rusty-Patched bumble
last known sightings in Southeastern Wisconsin. When that became apparent, Root-Pike WIN drafted
The Pollinator Patch Program.
Dave Giordano of Root-Pike WIN and Chancellor Ford of UW Parkside Pen the Patch Partnership - photo; UW-Parkside
“UW-Parkside faculty and students will provide program partners, including Thompson and Associates Wetland Services, with maps and data we have collected over the years and work directly with them to develop the Pollinator Patch Program.”
Professor Dr. Dave Rogers
UW Parkside
A Partnership is Planted - Attendees at the Groundbreaking Dig These New Native Flowers - Photos; Eddee Daniel
With the help of Chelsea Snowden-Smith, a recent Ranger graduate and Root-Pike WIN contractor, Root-Pike WIN developed the idea and took it to
Chancellor Dr. Debbie Ford
, faculty and administration. The idea was quickly met with energy and enthusiasm. It was clear from early on the
Pollinator Patch Program
an initiative that could reach beyond the course, through the campus, into the classroom and out to the community. This is the Ranger way – and so fitting to launch this new program on this campus and on this course with a diverse mix of these community stakeholders!
Rusty patched bumble bee feeding on wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) - Photo Kim Mitchell; USFWS
federally endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis)
is attracting attention locally as the Midwest is the only territory where the once wide-ranging bumble bee has remnant populations. The stressors to bumble bees in general, and the Rusty Patched in particular, include habitat loss, land disturbance, native vegetation loss, herbicide and pesticide use, disease, and possibly climate change.
“The Pollinator Patch Program is a great opportunity to further promote UW-Parkside programs in biology and environmental sciences. The campus is a great outdoor lab space. The Pollinator Patch Program will enhance the utility of our academic programs by increasing the diversity and quality of natural habitats so that faculty can better teach students the practical field skills they will need to contribute in their professional careers."
Professor Dr. Dave Rogers
UW Parkside
The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is a ground nester. Plowing, mowing, removal of little patches of bare ground, construction and other soil disturbances can destroy an active underground burrow or the overwintering queen bumble bee. The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee may also be the canary in the mine, illuminating the ecological importance of pollinators, and the consequences of their decline to humans, agriculture, and the ecosystem.
“UW-Parkside was founded by the community for the community. During our half century of serving southeastern Wisconsin, faculty, students, staff and alumni have been excellent stewards of the natural resources entrusted to our learning community. Building habit for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee will be an exciting initiative."
Chancellor Debbie Ford
UW-Parkside faculty, working in partnership with Root-Pike WIN and
Thompson & Associates Wetland Services,
will help identify native flowers and vegetation most critical for success of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee. The open areas adjacent to the cross country trail could be restored to food sources for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee from spring through late fall.
From Blazing Star to Coreopsis - The First Patch has Been Planted - photo; Eddee Daniel
The Course project will start with planning, curriculum integration, fundraising and design. If all goes well, selective improvements could begin in 2020. Root-Pike WIN is grateful for this new and far-reaching partnership, and we encourage other educational and commercial institutions to
a part of the program!
For more information about the UW-Parkside Cross-Country Course project and
The Pollinator Patch Program
, reach out to me anytime!
Dave Giordano
Executive Director
The Root-Pike Basin Watersheds
Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network
Office: 800 Center St Room 118, Racine, WI 53403
Mail: PO BOX 044164, Racine, WI 53404