For Your Calendar
6.15 - Summer Interns' First Day
6.16 - Father's Day - No Youth Events
6.16 - Intern Commissioning at both services
6.19 - Summer Middle School Youth Group Begins
6.20 - The Gathering: All Church BBQ
6.23 - Children's Summer Sunday School Begins
6.23 - High School Mexico Work Camp Commissioning at both services
6.23 - Final High School Mexico Work Camp Meeting, 6:00-8:00PM
6.24-6.28 - Vacation Bible School
6.30 - Summer High School Youth Group Begins
6.30 - Sharon Wallenborn Retirement Celebration
7.4 - Independence Day: CPC Office Closed
7.6-13 - High School Work Camp
7.27 - Bike Hike Pre-Pack, 9:00AM
7.28-8.3 - Middle School Bike Hike
8.7 - Last Middle School Youth Group
8.8 - The Gathering: All Church BBQ
8.8-10 - Church Rummage Sale
8.9-11 - Guys & Kids Campout
8.11 - Last High School Youth Group
8.14 - Film Fest: End of Summer Celebration
8.14 - Summer Interns' Last Day