Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update

Lenten Devotional - All Ages Needed!

We are working on our 2nd Annual CPC Lenten Devotional, and we need your help. While you are invited to sign up for any of the available verses (please do!), we also would love contributions from some of our younger saints. We had some incredible contributions from children and youth last year. 


Some youth chose a verse and created a piece of art for that day that stood on its own, like David Grice (see above), Audrey Grice and Clara Overton (see below).

Some children drew pictures and we paired them with text written by a congregant or their art was used for the cover, like the following by Elise Hoffman and Victor Bisch.

Other families created a devotional together, like the Laffertys and the Carlsons.

These are examples of many! Please feel free to use your imagination. You can sign up online via Signup Genius (no account needed) or take a look online at the available verses, and then email Viva Dennis with your selection(s). The link is provided below. If your desired date is chosen, she will let you know right away. You can also sign up in person at church on Sunday, but honestly, the sooner the better.  

Contributions should be prayerfully inspired and centered on the chosen scripture. You might write a prayer, a poem, or include a personal, relevant experience. You could also submit a digital file of a drawing, photo, painting or other piece of artwork. There is no word limit or minimum. If anything, it might give you a springboard of discussion with your family.

Click here to see the daily scripture chosen for this year’s devotional. Again, all contributions are due by January 29 to ensure enough time for editing and printing of the completed devotional booklets. Please email Viva Dennis with your submission. We pray each contribution is led by the Spirit and designed to bring us closer to each other and to Him during this sacred season of Lent. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Inclement Weather Update

There is NO programming tonight, Wednesday, January 17.


Sunday's Sermon

Services were cancelled this past weekend, but that doesn’t mean you can’t participate in worship from home! Click here to watch Pastor Matt’s sermon from Sunday, January 14.

First Communion Class


Is your child ready for communion? To assist you in this determination, we will have our annual communion training on Sunday, January 23, from 10:30am-12:00pm. Led by Tifny Mathena, CM Director, and Pastor Matt, this session is designed to acquaint children with what communion means, how it’s done, the symbols and their meanings. If your child hasn’t taken this class, it is very helpful to understand communion even if he or she is already participating. A parent must accompany the child to the training as it is family-centered and the learning experiences are interactive with the parents. Please contact Tifny Mathena with any questions.

Children's Choir Worship Schedule

Does your child love to sing? Are they in grades 2-5? Consider joining the Children's Choir!

  • February 4 - Sing in Worship at 9:00AM Service
  • March 3 - Sing in Worship at 9:00AM Service
  • March 24 - Sing in Worship at 9:00AM Service - Palm Sunday
  • April 3 - No Rehearsal - Spring Break
  • May 5 - Sing in Worship at 9:00AM Service

Weekly Programs


Children's Choir

5:00-5:30PM, Chapel

Grades: 2nd-5th Grade

K2 Live

6:00-8:00PM, Chapel

Grades: 3rd-5th Grade

Middle School Youth Group


Drop Off: Youth Center, Pick Up: Main Church Building

Grades: 6th-8th Grade


Children's Sunday School

9:00AM, Education Wing

Grades: Pre-K through 5th Grade

Youth Sunday School

9:00AM, LL6

Grades: 6th-12th Grade

High School Youth Group

6:00-8:00PM, Youth Center

Grades: 9th-12th Grade

For Your Calendar


1.17 - No Children's Choir, K2 Live or Middle School Youth Group - due to the weather

1.19 - Middle School Night of Unending Games

1.21 - First Communion Class

1.24 - MOPS


2.2-4 - Columbia Faith and Life Conference

2.7 - K2 Valentine's Party & Youth Family Game Night

2.11 - No High School Youth Group (Superbowl)

2.11 - Columbia Presbyterian Annual Meeting

2.14 - Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00PM

2.16-19 - High School Ski Retreat

2.28 - MOPS

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Sharon Wallenborn, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

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