Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update

Congratulations 2024 Graduates!

Grace Grant

Isabella Valdez

Andrew Zeamer

Emory Pullen

Carter Phelan

Owen Moscatelli

Avery Lammers

Estella Gage

Audrey Grice

Samuel Grice

Ben Carolus

Beau Bennett

Congratulations to all our graduates including Nolan Lambert, Marley Libby, & Giorgia Peri.

This Sunday we had the joy of celebrating our high school graduates, and the baptism of one of our seniors. A handful of our students helped plan and lead our worship service by sharing talks, leading liturgy, and helping lead our songs. If you missed this service I highly recommend going back to our live recordings and watching both services! Thank you all for being faithful brothers and sisters in Christ to these students. The Lord has worked and is continuing to work in their lives! 

Lydia Fitzpatrick

Youth Ministry Director

Click Here to Watch Our Grad Sunday Services

Exciting Weekend Ahead!

5th Grade Promotion and our Sunday School Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast are this Sunday, June 9th, during the 9:00am service. Students will go to Sunday School as normal after the Children’s Message, and our youth volunteers will guide them to breakfast with their teachers in the Fellowship Hall. Youth students are welcome to join us for breakfast as we celebrate our volunteers! After service preschool students can be picked up from the orange room and K-5 students from the gym.

***If you signed up to provide food for the breakfast please have all items in the Fellowship Hall before the start of the 9:00am service.

The Columbia MomCo

MOPS has rebranded, and the registration for 2024-2025 Columbia MomCo has opened! We are limited by the amount of childcare we can provide, and are already over half-full, so register today to save your spot!  

Click Here to register for 2024-2025 MomCo.

All Things VBS!

Registration is now open and near full.


To get more information on take-home decoration kits or to hear other ways you can help, email Tifny!

We need your lids! 

A variety of sizes is great; jar lids, paint can lids, bottle lids...ANY LIDS! Trying to create a few large, colorful sea animals! 

We are also in need of 16.9oz empty water bottles, with lids, for a craft.

You can place them in the bin in the Gathering Area marked “VBS.”

You Are Invited...

What are your kids learning?

Sunday School

9:00AM, Education Wing


This past weekend our students did a review of 2023-24 year in Sunday School! K-5 kids joined their families in the Sanctuary for Communion Sunday and to celebrate our graduates. 

Click Here to Read a Review of the Year

For Your Calendar


6.9 - 5th Grade Promotion at both Services

6.9 - Children's Ministry Volunteer Breakfast during 9:00AM Service

6.9 - Last Sunday School; 5th Grade Recognition

6.15 - Summer Interns' First Day

6.16 - Father's Day - No Youth Events

6.19 - Summer Middle School Youth Group Begins

6.20 - The Gathering: All Church BBQ

6.23 - Children's Summer Sunday School Begins

6.23 - Final High School Mexico Work Camp Meeting, 6:00-8:00PM

6.24-6.28 - Vacation Bible School

6.30 - Summer High School Youth Group Begins

6.30 - Sharon Wallenborn Retirement Celebration


7.4 - Independence Day: CPC Office Closed

7.6-13 - High School Work Camp

7.27 - Bike Hike Pre-Pack, 9:00AM

7.28-8.3 - Middle School Bike Hike


8.7 - Last Middle School Youth Group

8.8 - The Gathering: All Church BBQ

8.8-10 - Church Rummage Sale

8.9-11 - Guys & Kids Campout

8.11 - Last High School Youth Group

8.14 - Film Fest: End of Summer Celebration

8.14 - Summer Interns' Last Day

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Catherine Feeny, Youth Ministry Worship Leader

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Laura Ericcsen, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

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