Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update

Not Just for Sunday

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit,

but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

Let each of you look not only to his own interests,

but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:3-5

Columbia Food Drive

The Clark County Food Bank experienced a 30% increase in client visits last year. This is strong evidence that the needs for nutritious, shelf-stable food continue — as well as the need for non-food cleaning and hygiene products that aren’t covered by SNAP benefits.


LOOKING TO THE INTEREST OF OTHERS: You can help! Bring food or money to church on Sundays, April 14 and 21, or to the Saturday drive-up at church from 9:00AM-noon on April 20. The Deacons will deliver the proceeds, half to Clark County Food Bank and half to the Family Community Resource Centers at our neighborhood schools, McLoughlin, Marshall, and the Heights Campus.


K2 and CPC Partner with Open House Ministries

The Kingdom Kids at K2 were busy stuffing stockings over the holidays, being prayer partners earlier this year and are now filling two studio apartments for two new families at Open House Ministries. Click here to watch the new video Pastor Jon made telling us more about this partnership!

LOOKING TO THE INTEREST OF OTHERS: If you have already taken a tag, please return purchased items to the gathering area, below the blue house, no later than MAY 8th. All the tags were gone? We are collecting gift cards in any amount for Fred Meyer to help offset the cost of last minute items and initial groceries to stock their cupboards. These can also be placed in the basket below the blue house.

High School Youth Prepare for Mexico

Over 55 youth and work camp leaders gathered on Sunday night to get some practice with tools, discuss details about the trip and pray together. The summer of 2019 was the last time CPC was in Mexico, and we are excited to once again partner with Amor Ministries to participate in the call to service.

LOOKING TO THE INTEREST OF OTHERS: Maybe you have already donated or purchased from the work camp auction! If so, THANK YOU! What the students, leaders and the families they will be serving alongside in Mexico could use in abundance right now, is dedicated prayer. Specifically, that God would prepare the minds and hearts of this team for a posture of humble, flexible, compassionate, self-aware, and generous service to others.

Youth Schedule for this Week:

4/17 - NO Middle School Youth Group

4/21 - NO Youth Sunday School

4/21 - High School Youth Group, 6-8PM


June 24-28, 2024

5 years - current 5th graders

Registration opens Tuesday, May 28

Middle School Bike Hike

Farragut State Park, Idaho

July 28 - August 3, 2024


Registration Deadline: July 24

Register Here

What are your kids learning?

Sunday School



Preschool began a new lesson this month, called Everyone is Our Neighbor, based on Luke 10:25-37, the story of the Good Samaritan.


Kindergarten-5th Grade

Kindergarten-5th Grade studied the story of Thomas who came to believe in the risen Lord, based on John 20.

Middle & High School

The 10 Commandments.

Youth Groups

K2 Live

We are traveling to London to learn about Respect. Our verse for the unit is 1 Peter 2:17 – “Show proper respect to everyone.” 

Middle School

Joy in Jesus.

High School

God is constant.




Children's Choir



Grades: 2nd-5th Grade

K2 Live



Grades: 3rd-5th Grade

Middle School Youth Group


Drop Off: Youth Center

Pick Up: Main Church Building

Grades: 6th-8th Grade


Children's Sunday School


Education Wing

Grades: Pre-K through 5th Grade

Youth Sunday School



Grades: 6th-12th Grade

High School Youth Group


Youth Center

Grades: 9th-12th Grade

For Your Calendar


4.17 - No Middle School Youth Group

4.19-20 - K2 Live Spring Retreat

4.19-21 - Middle School Spring 'Splosion Retreat

4.21 - No Youth Sunday School

4.25-27 - Men's Retreat


5.5 - Children's Choir sings at 9:00AM Service

5.8 - Last MOPS

5.8 - Last K2 Live - Leader Appreciation and Family Night

5.11 - High School Work Camp Work Party

5.12 - Mother's Day - No Youth Events

5.13 - MOPS Registration Opens for Fall 2024

5.15 - All Church Prayer Night

5.17-19 - Women's Retreat

5.19 - Last Youth Sunday School and Last High School Youth Group

5.22 - Last Middle School Youth Group


6.2 - Grad Sunday at both Services

6.9 - 5th Grade Promotion at both Services

6.9 - Children's Ministry Volunteer Breakfast during 9:00AM Service

6.9 - Last Sunday School

6.16 - Father's Day

6.19 - Summer Middle School Youth Group Begins

6.23 - Summer Sunday School Begins

6.23 - Summer High School Youth Group Begins

6.24-6.28 - Vacation Bible School

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Catherine Feeny, Youth Ministry Worship Leader

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Sharon Wallenborn, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

Laura Ericcsen, Circle of Friends Preschool Assistant Director

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