Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update

Register Today for our Fall Class

The pace of technological change has surpassed anyone’s capacity to develop enough wisdom to handle it.

The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, pg. 17

Social pressures, accessibility, school needs, busy schedules and a whole host of other things leave families asking earlier and earlier about the usage of technology. How much is too much? What is appropriate? What is good? What is safe?

Guided by the book the Tech-Wise Family, we will seek not only worldly answers but Godly wisdom as we work through these questions and many more. We will look at various statistics, share our personal stories and struggles, ask questions to a panel of professionals in the mental health and educational fields, and chat with a panel of older teens to gain their perspective. 

We are not looking to scare or shame each other into changing the way we or our children use devices. Instead, through fellowship, study, and prayer we will refocus on our true goals; not simply being on screens less but raising kids with wisdom, courage and character who are able to (eventually) discern for themselves what is good and right and healthy for their minds, hearts and souls… and maybe find the strength to role model that as well.

God has created a world full of wonder and excitement, risk and reward, and given people *around* us to encourage us, grow with us, challenge us, know us and live life WITH us. Together we will seek the wisdom required to put technology in its proper place.

Please join us on Wednesday evenings September 11-November 20 (no class on October 30) from 6-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Childcare provided. Register for the Tech-Wise Family Class here.

***No need to worry about squeezing in dinner! CPC provides wonderful food options every Wednesday evening from 5:30-6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. All of these hot meals are lovingly prepared by truly talented women, and are available for a low price each week. More details coming in September!

Tifny Mathena

Director of Children & Intergenerational Ministries

Columbia Presbyterian Church


Middle School Youth Group - Sky Zone Event

Tonight, August 7


Pick up & drop off: Youth Center

There is still room for tonight's event. Please complete the Sky Zone Waiver and a CPC Medical and Liability Release Form. The cost for tonight's event is $40, with an additional $4 if you do not have Sky Zone's special grippy socks (required by Sky Zone). Please email Ben Carolus if you plan on coming, but it is possible that we can also accommodate drop ins.

Youth Leader Applications for Fall 2024

High School youth who would like to volunteer with CM Sunday school, K2 Live, or Middle School youth group are invited to fill out an application. Click Here to read a letter from Anna Haagenson, Tifny Mathena and Lydia Fitzpatrick and fill out the application. Applications are due Monday, August 19.

Pray for the Guys & Kids Campout

Praying for all those camping at the coast this weekend; for safe travels, blessed fellowship, and kids happily worn out from play and exploration!

Summer Sale Shopping Hours

August 8 & 9, 9:00AM-5:00PM

August 10, 9:00AM-12:00PM - Everything 1/2 Price, 12:00PM-1:00PM - Closed, 1:00PM-2:00PM - "Everything must go" $10/person or $20/family

Youth Film Fest – All Invited

Wednesday, August 14


Fellowship Hall

Everyone is invited to come celebrate all that God has done in and through the lives of our middle and high school youth this summer. We will start in the Fellowship Hall with light snacks and watch two short films sharing pictures and video from Work Camp and Bike Hike. If you have digital photos of either Bike Hike or Work Camp that you'd like to share, please Click Here to upload them.

Backpacks for Mac

Another opportunity for generosity is CPC's annual Backpacks for Mac drive. We hope to collect as many new backpacks and shoes as possible so that we can have them sorted, stocked, and ready for pick up during back-to-school and orientation events in August.


Here are the priorities for this year’s back-to-school drive:


  2. Other school supplies: colored pencils, composition notebooks, highlighters, student pencil sharpeners
  3. NOT needed: #2 pencils
  4. You may financially contribute to support both schools in multiple ways by giving to CPC and designating “Marshall/McLoughlin Ministry” in the memo line.
  5. We will also be collecting new athletic shoes (suitable for running, gym, and PE classes). Men's size 7-9; Women's size 5-8. Shoes are a constant need at Mac and having actual shoes on-site makes it easier to distribute them to families as needed.


Backpack donation boxes are located in both the CPC Gathering Area and the upper office lobby. Contact Julie Mauer or Nancy Johns for more information.


(Save the Date: A special McLoughlin Middle School informational gathering will be held at CPC after both services on Sunday, August 25. Come learn more about our involvement and partnership with Mac.)

The Columbia MomCo

MOPS has rebranded, and the registration for 2024-2025 Columbia MomCo is open! We look forward to diving into this year's theme of Wild Hope, together. We are limited by the amount of childcare we can provide, and are already over half-full, so register today to save your spot! 

Click Here to register for 2024-2025 MomCo.

Fantastic Fall Fest

Sunday, September 8

10:30AM - Outdoor worship (One service only)

12:00PM - Food, Fun & Games

The Fantastic Fall Fest is getting closer. This all-church festival is an opportunity for both services to worship, share a meal and fellowship together. Plus, hopefully meet some of our church neighbors in the area.  

There are lots of fun activities planned for children including face painting, crafts, and a bounce house. Don't worry - we will have kid-friendly food as well!


As with any good party, assistance is needed in a variety of areas: chair/table set ups, food prep, serving food, providing a dessert, and especially cleanup and breakdown. From teens to seniors, there's an opportunity to lend a helping hand. Please stop by the table in the Gathering Area on August 4 or 11 and see where you are called to serve during this event. If you can't make it by the table, you can reach out to John Van Dinter (360) 601-8411 to see what spots are still open.

For Your Calendar


8.7 - Last Middle School Youth Group

8.8-10 - Church Summer Rummage Sale

8.9-11 - Guys & Kids Campout

8.11 - Last High School Youth Group - At the Grice's Home

8.14 - Film Fest: End of Summer Celebration

8.14 - Summer Interns' Last Day

8.25 - Last Children's Summer Sunday School (PreK-5th Grade)

8.28 - Fall Prayer Night


9.8 - Fall Fest - One service at 10:30AM, Food, Fun & Fellowship immediately after

9.11 - The Columbia MomCo begins

9.11 - Wednesday Evening Programs begin: Dinner, Children's Choir, K2 Live, Middle School Youth Group, and the Tech-Wise Family Class

9.15 - Children's Sunday School (PreK-5th Grade) begins at 9:30AM & 10:30AM

9.15 - Youth Sunday School (6th - 12th Grade) begins at 9:30AM

9.15 - High School Youth Group begins

9.20-22 - High School Back to School Retreat

9.22 - No High School Youth Group

9.25 - No Middle School Youth Group

9.27-30 - Middle School Back to School Retreat


10.30 - K2 Live Harvest Party

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Catherine Feeny, Youth Ministry Worship Leader

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Laura Ericcsen, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

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