Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update

So many things to look forward to!

The Tech-Wise Family

Wednesdays, September 11 - November 20


Fellowship Hall


Many of the questions asked most frequently by parents of young people in our Children and Youth Ministries revolve around technology. How much is too much? Cell phones at what age? How about a smart watch? Thoughts on social media? What safeguards do I need? How concerned do I need to be really? These questions (and many more) lead us do the book the Tech-Wise Family, by Andy Crouch. 


“Andy Crouch shows readers that the choices we make about technology have consequences we may never have considered. He takes readers beyond the typical questions of what, where, and when and instead challenges them to answer provocative questions like, Who do we want to be as a family? and How does our use of a particular technology move us closer or farther away from that goal?”


Please join leaders from the Children and Youth Ministries on Wednesday evenings this fall, from 6:00PM-7:30PM. Our focus is not simply managing technology, but raising kids of strength, wisdom and character, in part, by putting technology in its proper place. 


Childcare available. Cost is $20 for the Tech-Wise Family book and materials. Scholarships available. This class is open to anyone interested, not only those currently raising children. 

Click here to register.

High School

Back to School Retreat

September 20-22


+ $10 for paintball


Join us for a weekend away at Camp Tadmor where you can take a stroll around the lake, shoot some hoops with friends, play a card game and then have meaningful time in worship and small groups. There is a ton of free time and an optional time to play paintball. This is a perfect start to the new school year, so grab a friend and sign up.


Register Here

Registration Deadline is Friday, September 13

Middle School

Back to School Retreat

September 27-29



Calling all Middle Schoolers! Your first weekend retreat of the year is coming up. Come play at the shore of the Camp Tadmor lake while you look for little creatures, play a game in the big field, challenge a CORE leader to a game of "horse" on the basketball court or take a hike around the lake. BTSR is the perfect time to make life-long friendships and explore your faith in Jesus through songs, reading the Bible together, and talking about it in small groups. We hope you'll come - and bring a friend if you want to!


Register Here

Registration Deadline is Friday, September 20

Medical and Liability Release 2024-2025 School Year

Financial assistance is available for all CPC retreats,

just send an email to Lydia or Katie and request the amount you need.

Welcome to 6th Grade Party with Lydia 

Come hang out with Lydia on Wednesday, September 4, 6-7:30pm. Meet at the CPC Youth Center and Lydia will take you on a fun trip to Menchies to welcome you into 6th grade and the Middle School Youth Group. We know the transition from 5th grade to 6th grade can be hard and we want to celebrate this exciting time in your life by getting froyo together. Please RSVP through email to Lydia or Katie so we know how many people will be joining us. 

The Columbia MomCo

MOPS has rebranded, and the registration for 2024-2025 Columbia MomCo is open! We look forward to diving into this year's theme of Wild Hope, together. We are limited by the amount of childcare we can provide, and are already over half-full, so register today to save your spot! 

Click Here to register for 2024-2025 MomCo.

Fantastic Fall Fest

Sunday, September 8

10:30AM - Outdoor worship (One service only)

12:00PM - Food, Fun & Games

The Fantastic Fall Fest is getting closer. This all-church festival is an opportunity for both services to worship, share a meal and fellowship together. Plus, hopefully meet some of our church neighbors in the area. There are lots of fun activities planned for children including face painting, crafts, and a bounce house. Don't worry - we will have kid-friendly food as well!

Youth Leadership Applications for Fall 2024

High School youth who would like to volunteer with CM Sunday school, K2 Live, or Middle School youth group are invited to fill out an application. Click Here to read a letter from Anna Haagenson, Tifny Mathena and Lydia Fitzpatrick and fill out the application. NEW DUE DATE: Applications are due Monday, August 26.

Mac Middle School Ministry Informational Gathering

Wonder what’s happening with our special involvement at McLoughlin Middle School? An informational gathering will be held at CPC after both services on Sunday, August 25 in the Chapel

Come get some background and an update on the plans for this coming school year, Meet other volunteers and learn how you can continue to be a part of it. If this is all new to you and you’re curious about how CPC connects with students and staff at this Middle School, join us to hear what’s been happening just down the street from the church and find your place in it all.

Also we are continuing with our annual Backpacks for Mac drive.  The priorities for this year are (1) BACKPACKS and (2) new athletic SHOES (suitable for running, gym, and PE classes). Men's size 7-9; Women's size 5-8. We hope to collect as many new backpacks and shoes as possible and have them sorted, stocked, and ready for pick up during back-to-school and orientation events at the school in late August. You may also financially contribute by giving to CPC and designating “Marshall/McLoughlin Ministry” in the memo line. Contact Julie Mauer or Nancy Johns for more information or questions.


Fall Schedule


Children's Sunday School

Begins: September 15

Grades: PreK-5

Education Wing

9:00AM & 10:30AM

Youth Sunday School

Begins: October 6

Grades: 6-12

Room LL6


High School Youth Group

Begins: September 15

Grades: 9-12

Youth Center



Children's Choir Rehearsal

Begins: September 11

Grades: 2-5



Wednesday Dinners

Begins: September 11

All Ages

Fellowship Hall


The Tech-Wise Family

Begins: September 11

Fellowship Hall


K2 Youth Group

Begins: September 11

Grades: 3-5



Middle School Youth Group

Begins: September 11

Grades: 6-8

Drop Off: Youth Center

Pick Up: Gathering Area


For Your Calendar


8.25 - Last Children's Summer Sunday School (PreK-5th Grade)

8.28 - Fall Prayer Night


9.4 - Welcome to 6th Grade Party, 6:00-7:30PM

9.8 - Fall Fest - One service at 10:30AM, Food, Fun & Fellowship immediately after

9.11 - The Columbia MomCo begins

9.11 - Wednesday Evening Programs begin:

Dinner, Children's Choir, K2 Live, Middle School Youth Group, and the Tech-Wise Family Class

9.15 - Children's Sunday School (PreK-5th Grade) begins at 9:30AM & 10:30AM

9.15 - High School Youth Group begins

9.20-22 - High School Back to School Retreat

9.22 - No High School Youth Group

9.25 - No Middle School Youth Group

9.27-30 - Middle School Back to School Retreat


10.6 - Youth Sunday School (6th - 12th Grade) begins at 9:30AM

10.30 - K2 Live Harvest Party

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Catherine Feeny, Youth Ministry Worship Leader

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Laura Ericcsen, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

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