For Your Calendar
8.28 - Fall Prayer Night, 6:00-7:00PM
9.4 - Welcome to 6th Grade Party, 6:00-7:30PM
9.8 - Fall Fest - One service at 10:30AM, Food, Fun & Fellowship immediately after
9.11 - The Columbia MomCo begins
9.11 - Wednesday Evening Programs begin:
Dinner, Children's Choir, K2 Live, Middle School Youth Group, and the Tech-Wise Family Class
9.15 - Children's Sunday School (PreK-5th Grade) begins at 9:30AM & 10:30AM
9.15 - High School Youth Group begins
9.20-22 - High School Back to School Retreat
9.22 - No High School Youth Group
9.25 - No Middle School Youth Group
9.27-30 - Middle School Back to School Retreat
10.6 - Youth Sunday School (6th - 12th Grade) begins at 9:30AM
10.30 - K2 Live Harvest Party