Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update

The Joy of Serving in Youth Ministry

Thank you Chris for such a wonderful video sharing what is happening in Youth Ministry here at CPC. We are grateful for the many years you have been involved with CPC Youth Ministry and the countless hours you have spent mentoring and guiding our teens.

I am so excited to see you all this week with Youth Group and Sunday School starting back up. Middle School Youth Group will be meeting on Wednesday and High School will be meeting on Sunday, both at 6pm in the Youth Center. Excited for fall!!

Lydia Fitzpatrick

Youth Director

Fall Fest 2023

On Sunday, approximately 450 people from both worship services gathered at 10:30AM to kick off the new school year and celebrate the installation of Lead Pastor Matt Overton.

NEW Check In Process at Sunday School and Children's Mid-Week Programming!

All children will need to be checked in by an adult - check-in iPads will be located at the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Area and in the Nursery. 

Note: Children participating in Children's Choir or K2 Live will also need to be checked out before they leave for the night.

Children's Sunday School

Sundays, 9am and 10:30am

Pre-K-5th Grade. Register Here

Children's Choir

Wednesdays, 5-5:30pm

For kids 2nd-5th Grade. Bring a sack dinner or purchase a dinner at the church (gluten-free and kid-friendly options available). Register Here and Click Here to complete the waiver.

K2 Live

Wednesdays, 6-8pm

For kids 3rd-5th Grade. Register Here and Click Here to complete the waiver.


Middle School Youth Group

Wednesdays, 6-8pm

Please drop all youth at the Youth Center, located in the upper building. Pick up is at the main Church building. No registration is required. Friends are welcome.

Middle School Sunday School

Sundays, 9am

Lower Level Room 6. No registration is required.

Middle School Back to School Retreat

September 29 - October 1

6th-8th Grade. $150. Register Here and Click Here to complete the waiver. Scholarships are available.


High School Youth Group

Sundays, 6-8pm

Youth can be dropped off and picked up at the Youth Center, located in the upper building. No registration is required. Friends are welcome.

High School Sunday School

Sundays, 9am

Lower Level Room 6. No registration is required. *Once Kairos begins, high school youth not participating in Kairos can attend worship.

High School Confirmation - Kairos

Sundays, 9am, beginning October 8

High School Kairos begins October 8 on Sundays at 9:00am in the Chapel. Please register now by emailing Katie.

High School Back to School Retreat

September 22 - 24

9th-12th Grade. $150/$170 with Paintball. Register Here and Click Here to complete the waiver. Playing paintball? Click Here for Camp Tadmor's release form. Scholarships are available.

Columbia MOPS


We welcomed over 20 women to our newest ministry!

MOPS meets again Wednesday, September 27.

If you are interested in joining, we are close to capacity. Contact Tifny Mathena for more information.

For Your Calendar



September 13 - Middle School Youth Group Begins

September 17 - Children & Youth Sunday School Begins

September 17 - High School Youth Group Begins

September 22-24 - High School Back to School Retreat

September 27 - MOPS

September 29-October 1 - Middle School Back to School Retreat



October 8 - High School Kairos Confirmation Begins

October 11 - MOPS

October 25 - MOPS

October 25 - K2 Harvest Party

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Sharon Wallenborn, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

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