Children & Youth Ministries Weekly Update



I am so excited to announce that we raised over $41,000 through our Youth Auction this year!! Praise God! Thank you for attending, volunteering, and praying for our upcoming Youth Mission trip. Usually, we don't get these numbers finalized until the end of April due to closing out final sales and calculating all our expenses, so thank you for your patience as we finalized these details to give you an accurate number. It takes a lot of work to make this event happen. I would like to thank Amanda Stimmel, Gail Ball, and Katie Mrochko for the hours of work that they put into this event without them this event would not happen. An additional thank you to Terry Hurley and Viva Dennis who often fielded questions or performed supportive tasks in the church office.


As a Youth Team we believe we are called to steward this $41k as God calls us to, and though the majority of it goes to our Youth Missions trip we do want to highlight that 20% of these funds go directly to areas of the community we care about. This 20% donation gets evenly divided between Mac Middle School and The Giving Closet. 


If you are interested in learning more about the two areas that we donate to check them out here: 


  • The Giving Closet is a local community store that allows those in need to shop at no cost. This ministry is supported through generous donations of clothing, home goods, food, kitchen items, and bedding. Check out their webpage here:

  • Mac is a local middle school that our church has been partnered with for years. Follow this link to see ways you can volunteer at Mac Middle School:

Again, we want to say thank you. As we count down the days until we head to Mexico, I ask that you continue to pray for Amor Ministries. We feel extremely grateful that we get to partner with Amor this summer and are so thankful for your generosity as we prepare. 



Lydia Fitzpatrick 

K2 Live Reminder: Next Wednesday, May 8 is the last K2 Live for the school year and leader appreciation. Be on the lookout for more information from Anna Haagenson.

This Sunday is Communion Sunday

Children will be invited forward for the Time with Young Disciples and then proceed to Sunday School as normal. Our Sunday School teachers will escort the kids back to the Sanctuary before communion and they may sit with their families or with the Children and Youth staff. Children who have not yet received communion are welcomed and encouraged to come forward for a personal blessing. 

Come and Pray with us!

Wednesday, May 15




You are invited to come and pray with us for the upcoming season of our ministry and witness. We will gather in the Sanctuary and pray for Vacation Bible School, High School Work Camp to Mexico, Middle School Bike Hike, Guys and Kids Campout, Local and International Ministry partners, and more. We believe that under-girding all that we do with prayer is essential to our Gospel impact. Please join us. 

STOP THE BLEED - 2 Classes Available

Thursday, May 16, 6:00-7:30PM or

Sunday, May 19, 12:00-1:30PM


The #1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. With 3 quick actions, you can be trained and empowered to save a life. This is a free 90-minute class led by Nationally Registered Paramedic Ron Mrochko. It includes a presentation and plenty of hands-on practice on how to control bleeding. There's no minimum age requirement for the course, although there are some graphic images and content included in the presentation. Educators may be particularly interested in attending because Washington State just passed a bill requiring all schools to have at least two trained staff and access to bleeding control kits on site for the 2026/27 academic year. Participants will receive a certificate attesting to their completion of the class. Classes are limited to 10 people. Register here or email Katie Mrochko.  

Open House Volunteers Needed

We are looking for a handful of youth families that would be willing to sign up to help volunteer with Open House Ministries. As many of you know, CPC is helping donate household items for new residences. When Open House has families that are ready to move into their new apartments we are going to need many hands to help set up the rooms. Though we don’t have the exact date yet it will be sometime in the month of June. The more hands the better. If this is something you would be willing to help with please let Lydia Fitzpatrick or Tifny Mathena know. 

VBS Take-Home Decorations Volunteers Needed

Do you love crafts? Would you rather do them in the comfort of your own home? Are you looking for ways to serve in the church? Then the VBS take-home decoration projects are for YOU. Kits are waiting to be taken home in the resource room! This is a great way to volunteer, help out with VBS and do it on your own time. Questions? Ask Anne Overton or Tifny Mathena.

Save the Date

Guys & Kids Campout

@ Cape Lookout

August 9-11


June 24-28, 2024

5 years - current 5th graders

Registration opens Tuesday, May 28

Middle School Bike Hike

Farragut State Park, Idaho

July 28 - August 3, 2024


Registration Deadline: July 24

Register Here

What are your kids learning?

Sunday School



Preschool finished their study of Everyone is Our Neighbor!


Kindergarten-5th Grade

K-5 is working through the book of Acts. This week we learned about Peter and John and the power they were given through the Holy Spirit to heal! Amazing things can happen in the name of Jesus. When Jesus does something wonderful in our lives, other people see it and are amazed.

Middle & High School

The 10 Commandments.

Youth Groups

K2 Live

We are traveling to London to learn about Respect. Our verse for the unit is 1 Peter 2:17 – “Show proper respect to everyone.” 

Middle School

Joy in Jesus.

High School

God is constant.




Children's Choir



Grades: 2nd-5th Grade

K2 Live



Grades: 3rd-5th Grade

Middle School Youth Group


Drop Off: Youth Center

Pick Up: Main Church Building

Grades: 6th-8th Grade


Children's Sunday School


Education Wing

Grades: Pre-K through 5th Grade

Youth Sunday School



Grades: 6th-12th Grade

High School Youth Group


Youth Center

Grades: 9th-12th Grade

For Your Calendar


5.5 - Children's Choir sings at 9:00AM Service

5.8 - Last MOPS

5.8 - Last K2 Live - Leader Appreciation and Family Night

5.11 - High School Work Camp Work Party

5.12 - Mother's Day - No Youth Events

5.13 - MOPS Registration Opens for Fall 2024

5.15 - All Church Prayer Night, 6:30-7:30PM

5.17-19 - Women's Retreat

5.19 - Last Youth Sunday School and Last High School Youth Group

5.22 - Last Middle School Youth Group

5.27 - Memorial Day: CPC Office Closed


6.2 - Grad Sunday at both Services

6.9 - 5th Grade Promotion at both Services

6.9 - Children's Ministry Volunteer Breakfast during 9:00AM Service

6.9 - Last Sunday School; 5th Grade Recognition

6.15 - Summer Interns' First Day

6.16 - Father's Day - No Youth Events

6.19 - Summer Middle School Youth Group Begins

6.20 - The Gathering: All Church BBQ

6.23 - Children's Summer Sunday School Begins

6.23 - Final High School Mexico Work Camp Meeting, 6:00-8:00PM

6.24-6.28 - Vacation Bible School

6.30 - Summer High School Youth Group Begins


7.4 - Independence Day: CPC Office Closed

7.6-13 - High School Work Camp

7.27 - Bike Hike Pre-Pack, 9:00AM

7.28-8.3 - Middle School Bike Hike


8.7 - Last Middle School Youth Group

8.8 - The Gathering: All Church BBQ

8.8-10 - Church Rummage Sale

8.9-11 - Guys & Kids Campout

8.11 - Last High School Youth Group

8.14 - Film Fest: End of Summer Celebration

8.14 - Summer Interns' Last Day

Preschool, Children & Youth Staff

Tifny Mathena, Children and Intergenerational Ministry Director

Anna Haagenson, Director of K2 Live and Children's Music

Lydia Fitzpatrick, Youth Director

Catherine Feeny, Youth Ministry Worship Leader

Viva Dennis, Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant

Katie Mrochko, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant

Lindsey Wright, Childcare Coordinator

Sharon Wallenborn, Circle of Friends Preschool Director

Laura Ericcsen, Circle of Friends Preschool Assistant Director

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