Welcome to the 2020/2021 Rooted year!
St. John Neumann
Middle School Ministry
(6th-8th Graders)
Youth Newsletter
PARENTS - This newsletter is intended for the Youth. If you are receiving it, somewhere we have your email address listed for your child. That is fine, however it will be redundant as parents will always receive information sent to youth. If you would prefer to be taken off of this email list, please let us know. If your youth would like to be added to the list, please also let us know that. You can just respond to this email.

ROOTED BEGINS SOON!!! - For some of you, Rooted begins in just a few days. Your parents will receive an email in the next few days confirming your session. Our first session are on:
  • Session Sunday A - 6:00pm on 9/20
  • Session Monday M - 5:00pm on 9/21
  • Session Sunday B - 6:00pm on 9/27

ZOOM LINK - Your parents should be receiving an email from Angela Davis in the next few days with a Zoom link for your Rooted sessions. Please stay tuned!
Rooted - Going Virtual - Due to our current public health concerns, Rooted will be conducted virtually through LIVE Zoom meetings during the first half of the 2020/2021 Rooted year. We will reevaluate in December.

The Rooted session dates and times and general format will remain the same for the regular session. Please stay tuned for updates as we approach the retreat dates.

You will be sent a Zoom link, specific to your session and grade, in the next few days.
Parent Meeting - Please remind your parents to join us for the first half of the first Rooted session. It will be best if they join you on the same device instead of each logging in separately.
Important Details/Expectations Regarding Virtual Rooted - These expectations will help you make the most out of this Rooted year!
  • You will need a device to access Zoom. If you have a sibling in Rooted, you will each need your own device.
  • We highly recommend a desktop or laptop computer that is NOT a Chromebook if possible.
  • We ask that you find a quiet and private space to use during Rooted session if possible. Wearing headphones would be a fine option.
  • Access the Zoom call a minute or two before the start of your session.
  • Be prepared before the session begins with your blue book ("Catholic Connections Handbook"), your "Catholic Youth Bible", a few pieces of blank paper, and markers/colored pencils.
  • If you have a smartphone or tablet available to you during Rooted, please download the free Poll Everywhere app from your app store to use during sessions. (It will ask you for a code, but you do not need the code yet.)
Thanksgiving Drive - The food drive bins for our annual Thanksgiving Drive will be in the Narthex between October 4th and November 15. We are asking all Faith Formation youth to donate $3 along with specific food items:
  • 6th Grade Youth: Three cans of fruit
  • 7th Grade Youth: On e 24oz bottle of oil (olive or canola)
  • 8th Grade Youth: Two 2lb bags of flour or sugar

If your family would prefer to donate financially only, your parents have been sent a link to give online.
Skit Team - Calling all Rooted youth! If you are interested in joining our skit team (in person, but with social distancing), ask a parent to sign you up through the link they received in their email or on the website.
Branching Out Presents: Topic Talk - On Anti-Racism and Our Church - With everything that is going on across our country, would you like to discuss and learn more about what the Bible and our Church say about racism? We will schedule the date/time in early October. Depending on the group's needs, this discussion can take place in-person (with masks and distancing) or virtually. If you are interested in this event please ask a parent to sign you up through the link they received in their email or on the website. You can invite friends (they do not need to be Catholic, but the content of the event will be based on Catholi) to join this event, please have their parents complete the signup.
Edge Summer Camp - In the summer of 2021, Branching Out will take a group of rising 6th through 9th graders to Georgia for a week of Catholic summer camp full of fun, faith, mud, adventure, and more fun! Registration will happen this coming fall, so stay tuned for more information and get ready to camp! This camp is run through Life Teen. Check out their camp website or this promotional video! You can invite friends (they do not need to be Catholic but the camp will include Catholic content and experiences) to join this event, please have their parents complete the signup when avai0.
Thank you for all you do to make your youth's faith formation a priority and for inviting us to support you along this wonderful journey.

Angela Davis
Coordinator of Middle School Faith Formation
St. John Neumann Church
Reston, VA 20191
[703-390-2345]  [adavis@saintjn.org]  [www.saintjn.org]