"Develop Christ-centered students who aspire to excellence
and impact their communities for Him."
"You shall teach them to your children,
talking of them when you are sitting in your house,
and when you are walking by the way,
and when you lie down, and when you rise."
(Deuteronomy 11:19)
Lutheran School Education
National Lutheran Schools Week
This year's theme for National Lutheran Schools Week, January 23–30, was "Sent to Serve." NVCA administration and faculty are educators and leaders who have answered the call to serve in their professions being led by the Holy Spirit and God's Word. It is each staff member's desire to nurture our students with the love of Christ and to prepare them to not only be successful academically but also spiritually. The theme, "Sent to Serve," is fitting to our mission: "Develop Christ-centered students who aspire to excellence and impact their communities for Him."
Based on Matthew 20:28, “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (ESV), an NVCA education encompasses training of servants by servants for Christ. We thank God for His blessings upon our school and know that He will lead our students to develop into strong community servants for Christ.
Celebrate NVCA Week
One of the highlights of a Lutheran school education is bringing students and faculty together to worship.
NVCA students from preschool through high school gather each week at designated times per grade level to worship God in song and hear a message from the Word.
Our little ones learn about who God is, about His creation, and about how they can demonstrate His love toward one another.
Our upper grade students learn what it means to pray and worship together. They learn valuable life lessons through a variety of messages focused on loving one another and how they can take God's love out to the world.
Spiritual instruction interwoven with academics and extracurriculars, in addition to Bible classes, is the highlight of why we celebrate NVCA. Our students love attending school here. They feel loved and valuable as individuals, desire to excel in their academics and extracurricular activities, and want to grow in their knowledge of Jesus to become a servant leader to their communities.
Hoopcoming 2021
Each year, our students and faculty love to participate in Celebrate NVCA and Lutheran Schools Week, ending the week with an exciting Hoopcoming event.
Hoopcoming was different this year due to pandemic guidelines but remained an important and exhilarating event. On Friday, January 29, an outdoor pep rally took place on the grassy knoll with our stunt team performing in full NVCA spirit. Boys and girls Hoopcoming basketball games took place later that evening, while fans and families viewed the games online.
God bless our coaches and all of our team players in every one of our school sports for playing their best this school season. Go NVCA Lions!
An Evening of Inspiration: Our Children, Our Future
Tables and seats are filling fast for our auction and dinner planned for March 5, at the Anthem Country Club. If you've never attended an NVCA Auction and Dinner, learn about the exciting details as discussed by two NVCA parents, Dusty Perez and Vicki Young, in the video below. We hope you join us.
A Year of Grace for NVCA Athletics
After 40 years in school athletics, NVCA Athletics Director, Scotty Brown, has seen a lot of grace this year from our athletes and coaches. Scotty shared that, “the pandemic has not really changed our athletes’ perspective on athletics or their character. Our athletes have adapted to the changes and have maintained a healthy and positive outlook passed down from faculty.”
Consequential to pandemic policies, our athletics department is trying to keep the program as normal as possible for not only our athletes but also for NVCA families and fans. To support game communications and excitement, we've been bringing in professional announcers and using technology to livestream video.
“The pandemic changes have made it harder for our varsity level athletes to get looked at by prospective college recruiters, and this has been the bigger challenge,” said Scotty. "Although there is a bit of a log jam with some games and scouting, we continue to see a lot of grace from our athletes."
Please continue to follow us and cheer on our athletes. Some of the state tournament rounds will be held at home on our court. Watch for game announcements on our social media pages and in The Weekly Pride.
North Valley Christian AcademyTM continues to closely monitor COVID-19 stats and safety procedures. We continue to evaluate its impact on both the school and the community at large in accordance with recommendations from local, state, and national government organizations and health agencies. The health and safety of all members of our community are of the utmost importance.
We appreciate your cooperation adhering to the NVCA COVID-19 Policy.
You can find details of our operating procedures on our website. As always, if you have any questions, please email Head of School, Chris Schoenleb, at chriss@northvalleyca.org.
We are extremely grateful to all of our NVCA families who help support our school. May God continue to bless you this new school year.
At NVCA, our families come first in all that we do. We would love to hear from you about how we are doing. If you can, please take a second to tell us about your experience with North Valley Christian Academy. Simply click the thumb graphic link below. Thank you!
Thank you for being a valued member of our family!
North Valley Christian AcademyTM
33655 North 27th Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85085
Phone: (623) 551-3454