Staying Safe and Healthy As Spring Approaches
Although the Erie County positive rate for COVID testing is down to 3.5%, we are still required to test each visitor who comes to Rosa Coplon. Thank you for your cooperation.
Accepted proof of COVID-19 testing:
1. For rapid antigen test taken at home no more than 1 day prior to your visit—Provide a photo of your negative test result on an electronic device, such as a mobile phone.
2. For COVID-19 test taken at an outside facility, no more than 2 days prior to your visit—Provide your dated negative results either on an electronic device, such as a mobile phone, or on a paper report.
3. After you have provided your first negative COVID-19 test result, a limited number of rapid COVID-19 test kits will be available upon request at the Weinberg Campus reception desk to use at home prior to future visits.
4. Our staff will verify acceptable proof of your negative COVID-19 test before you will be allowed to visit.
- Visitors who fail to provide acceptable proof of a negative COVID-19 test will not be allowed to visit until proof is provided.
- If a visitor has had COVID-19 within the past 90 days, and has completed the 5 day isolation period, the visitor must still be tested. If the test result is positive, the visitor will not be allowed to enter. You must present a negative COVID-19 test result to enter the facility.
5. After providing proof of a negative COVID-19 test result, you will then need to complete the screening process, which will include an attestation that you provided your negative COVID-19 test result.
We will continue to follow DOH and CMS guidance for any exemptions to
requirements for COVID-19 testing prior to visitation.
Paper Masks & Physical Distancing Requirements
Cloth masks are not permitted. Visitors must wear a well-fitting, surgical face mask. We will provide you with a surgical mask if you need one. It is recommended to wear a KN95 or N95 mask if you have one.
- Masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn at all times, including in resident rooms.
- Visitors are required to stay 6 feet away from staff, other residents and other visitors.
- All visitors must follow infection control and prevention measures during the visit (clean your hands frequently, wear a mask, physically distance and stay home when ill).