August 28, 2020
Dear Rosa Coplon Living Center Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties,
I am pleased to provide an optimistic update. We have had zero new cases of COVID-19 this week among staff members or residents. We continue to monitor all residents on a daily basis and are testing staff members once a week. We continue to appreciate your unwavering patience and understanding as we close in on the end of this mandatory 28-day waiting period.
Our plan is to re-open visitation on September 8 as long as we continue to have zero new positive cases among staff or residents within the 28-day cycle mandated by the Department of Health.
While we endure this waiting period, our staff is more than willing to accommodate virtual visit requests with your loved ones. We want to ensure we are offering you an alternate opportunity to connect with your loved ones throughout this mandatory waiting period. You can request a virtual visit by calling us at 716-639-3311 ext. 2128.
Keeping families and loved ones up to date is our top priority, and we are committed to communicating these updates to you in a timely manner. Thank you again for your patience while we navigate this situation. I am available if you ever have any questions – please don’t hesitate to contact me.