December 11, 2020
Dear Rosa Coplon Living Center Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties,
The campus is looking festive for the holiday season. Residents celebrated the first night of Hanukkah yesterday with a socially distant lighting of the menorah.
COVID-19 Update
The recent news of a COVID-19 vaccine has given us a much-needed light at the end of the tunnel – a sign of hope that we can start to put this pandemic behind us. Although we do not have all the answers for you, we wanted to share what we know today. There is a lot of information out there and new updates are being provided very frequently. We kindly ask for your patience as details and answers become available.
We will share information from the Department of Health and the CDC with you regarding the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. We’ve included some common questions you may have, with links to information that is available today. Please reach out to me if you have any additional questions, and I will do my best to answer them based on information and guidance that has been provided by public health officials.
What can you tell me today about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout at Weinberg Campus?
We are closely following developments and updates regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and its distribution. You can count on us to deliver accurate information in our weekly communications from credible sources, such as the CDC, the Department of Health, and LeadingAge.
How do I know what information about the vaccine is accurate?
The CDC offers guidance on how to find credible vaccine information to ensure you are receiving the facts and avoiding misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Is the vaccine safe?
The CDC has worked diligently to ensure the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. while federal partners work to make a COVID-19 vaccine available. Through the work of extensive clinical trials, vaccine safety monitoring, expanded safety monitoring systems, and existing safety monitor systems, the CDC is taking every precaution before the vaccine is considered safe for use. Read more about the measures the CDC and FDA are taking to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for public consumption.
What can you tell us about the vaccine's effectiveness?
According to the CDC, before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determines whether to approve a vaccine or authorize a vaccine for emergency use, clinical trials are conducted to determine how well it works. This is known as effectiveness. After FDA approves a vaccine or authorizes a vaccine for emergency use, it continues to be studied to determine how well it works under real-world conditions. CDC and other federal partners will be assessing COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness under real-world conditions. Click here to learn more about the steps being taken to assess the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Why should my loved one receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
While the COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory for our residents, we certainly encourage everyone to receive it. We understand this is a brand-new vaccine, and everything that should be done to ensure its safety is in motion. We are learning new facts and information about this vaccine every day, and from what we’ve seen so far, data has shown it to be effective. The CDC provides facts about the COVID-19 vaccine, which you can read more about here:
- COVID-19 vaccines will not give you COVID-19
- COVID-19 vaccines will not cause you to test positive on COVID-19 viral tests
- People who have gotten sick with COVID-19 may still benefit from getting vaccinated
- Getting vaccinated can help prevent getting sick with COVID-19
- Receiving an mRNA vaccine will not alter your DNA
Who at the state is deciding how doses are distributed and how many doses will Weinberg Campus get? Will it be an adequate supply for our staff and residents?
The CDC states that there will be a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccines in December 2020, but supply will continually increase in the weeks and months that follow.
Per the CDC, due to a limited supply, some groups will be recommended to get a COVID-19 vaccine first. Healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents should be offered COVID-19 vaccination in the initial phase of the U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program while there is limited vaccine supply. CDC officially made this recommendation on December 2, 2020, based on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). You can read more about New York’s COVID-19 vaccination plan here.
Per Governor Cuomo’s press conference on Dec. 9, the vaccine will be allocated by region, which means Western New York will receive approximately 14,500 doses of the vaccine. We know that vaccine distribution is based on state population. Nursing home staff and residents are in the first wave for vaccine distribution, with high-risk hospital workers in the second wave. The third wave will consist of congregate care staff and residents. We will keep you updated on what this means for Weinberg Campus as we learn more.
When will Weinberg Campus receive their supply? When will you start administering the vaccine?
As of today, we do not know an exact date for when the COVID-19 vaccine will be available. Under the current administration, the goal is that we will receive our first supply by the end of 2020. The DOH expects to receive an initial delivery of 170,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and anticipates the possibility of starting to vaccinate the first group of New Yorkers by December 15, if all safety and effectiveness approvals are granted.
LeadingAge reported that the FDA is meeting at the end of this week regarding clinical trials, and an Emergency Use Authorization could be issued this Saturday. LTCFs, depending on the state, could potentially receive the vaccine around Dec. 21.
We acknowledge that we must be ready operationally once the vaccine is available, which we expect to happen swiftly. We are putting the appropriate procedures in place now so we are prepared once this happens.
Knowing that the vaccine is administered in up to two doses, what tracking mechanism does Weinberg Campus need to put in place to ensure appropriate administration of the vaccine?
Weinberg Campus will be participating in a Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care Program, a federal program led by the CDC in partnership with CVS and Walgreens, to distribute and administer the COVID-19 vaccine to staff and residents on campus. This program provides end-to-end management of the COVID-19 vaccination process, including cold chain management, on-site vaccinations, and fulfillment of reporting requirements, to facilitate safe vaccination of our staff and patient populations. As we learn more about our participation in this partnership, we will plan accordingly to ensure that a Weinberg Campus staff member is assigned as a liaison to our pharmacy partner, keeping track of all COVID-19 vaccine doses and monitoring of each resident. Learn More about this federal program.
Does Weinberg Campus have the right protocols in place to monitor patient reactions and side effects to the vaccine?
As we learn more about our participation in the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care Program, we will better understand our pharmacy partner’s process for monitoring and reporting patient reactions and side effects. We will do our part to ensure that families of loved ones receive frequent progress updates after their loved one has received the vaccine.
If my loved one receives the vaccine, will I be able to visit him/her right away?
We certainly understand the excitement that comes with the light at the end of the tunnel. We will continue to follow guidance from the governor and the DOH regarding in-person visitation and will communicate this guidance in a timely manner to keep family members informed.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to learn more about this process. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Visitation Update
Cases of COVID-19 are widespread in Erie County and Western New York, and much of Erie County has been designated as an orange zone. We currently have three residents that have tested positive for COVID-19, and three employees that have tested positive within Rosa Coplon Living Center.
Please review the important information below as we work together to protect and care for residents:
Per Department of Health (DOH) recommendations, please do not take residents out of Rosa Coplon except for medically necessary appointments. Staying onsite is the best way to protect residents from contracting COVID-19.
- Care for residents with COVID-19 is provided within one unit to prevent the potential spread. We continue to work closely with the DOH to follow the latest recommendations and requirements.
To ensure safety for everyone, all staff wear personal protective equipment required by the DOH, including N95 masks, eye protection throughout all units and resident areas (face shields or goggles), gowns, and gloves. Staff training on best practices has been ongoing as we strive to provide the best possible care. In addition, we continue to follow DOH guidelines to test staff for COVID-19.
Our facility uses a comprehensive, science-based disinfection program. We are extremely lucky to have a pulsed UV disinfection system proven to eliminate pathogens such as coronavirus from surfaces in seconds. This technology is also used in many hospitals. In addition, we continue to use our Storm 2 Pro Dual Pressure sprayer to help with sanitizing here on campus. The pressure sprayer can penetrate difficult areas beyond just surface cleaning. Our 7-step cleaning process follows CDC infection control guidance using hospital-grade disinfectants.
Restricted in-person visitation is tentatively scheduled to resume Thursday, December 24, pending we have no new cases of COVID-19 for 14 consecutive days, and pending there are no changes in DOH regulations regarding visitation. Please visit the family web page for daily updates:
Username: family
Password: weinberg321
Safety Guidance on Gatherings & Outings
As a reminder, the following DOH guidance continues to be in place regarding outings that are not medically necessary. This guidance discourages residents from leaving Rosa Coplon Living Center for gatherings and aims to keep residents and staff safe and healthy as COVID-19 cases continue to increase throughout Erie County.
Per the DOH, residents who leave the facility are encouraged to:
- Limit close contact with others (maintain a physical distance of six feet or more), avoid large gatherings, keep gatherings small, and use technology to engage with others remotely
- Wear face masks or cloth face coverings
- Perform frequent hand hygiene
- Avoid sharing of communal food or drinks
In addition, the DOH requires that residents who go out or leave the facility:
- Quarantine or minimize contact with others prior to their return to the facility.
Quarantine upon returning to the facility for 14 days.
Test negative for COVID-19 within 24 hours prior to their return to the facility.
- Be tested at least three times during the 14-day quarantine period at the facility, including on the first day (upon return) and the last day that a resident must be quarantined.
Before exiting the building, residents and their family member or responsible party must also comply with the DOH requirement to attest in writing that you:
- Are aware of the risks involved with leaving/taking the resident out;
- Will follow masking, social distancing, and hand hygiene practices to comply with CDC and DOH directives;
- Will notify the facility if the resident becomes ill within one week of leaving the facility;
- Will notify the facility if anyone with whom the resident socialized tests positive for COVID-19 or influenza or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 and influenza within 14 days of the resident’s return to the facility;
- Will communicate to the facility a return date for the resident in accordance with the facility’s policy; and
- Will quarantine or minimize contact (or assist the resident to do so) to the extent safely possible prior to return to the facility.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Matt McDougall
Administrator, Rosa Coplon Living Center
716-639-3311 ext. 2218