October 16, 2020

Dear Rosa Coplon Living Center Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties,

The leaves are changing colors and the crisp, cool weather has arrived! Residents are enjoying the fall season and our staff is keeping everyone entertained and busy with a variety of fun activities for all to enjoy. Check out the festive decorations that can be seen within our halls on campus, compliments of our Activities Department! 
Visitation Update
It is nice to see many families have taken advantage of in-person visits with loved ones since we were approved to reinstate them. As of today, we are happy to report that we have no new positive COVID cases on campus.

Scheduling a Visit
To schedule your in-person visit, please complete our online pre-appointment questionnaire required by the DOH each time you would like to visit. For assistance in completing this in-person visit questionnaire, please contact Julie Smith at 716-639-3311 ext. 2128. Once you submit the questionnaire, a staff member will call you to schedule your visit. Visiting hours by appointment are Monday - Friday, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. We thank you in advance for following updated visitor protocols

Remember – we are still offering window and virtual visits. To schedule your window visits and Skype calls, please contact Julie Smith at [email protected].

We appreciate your patience as our team works to accommodate your visitation requests and understand how important it is to stay connected with your loved ones. 

Thank you for your support. Please contact me directly if you have questions.
Matt McDougall
Administrator, Rosa Coplon Living Center

716-639-3311 ext. 2218
Weinberg Campus | WeinbergCampus.org