Important Visitation Update

We have one new positive employee case of COVID-19 in Rosa Coplon Living Center. Based on regulations from the Department of Health (DOH), when a new case is identified in a resident or staff member, we must immediately begin COVID-19 testing for staff and residents, which is currently in progress.

At this time, in-person visitation is temporarily suspended. If all COVID-19 test results come back negative, we will be able to reopen in-person visitation. We hope to share the results with you soon. As a reminder, check our Rosa Coplon family web page for the latest updates (password: weinberg321).

Our team continues to be diligent in infection prevention measures and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally should you have any questions or concerns.
Matt McDougall
COO, Weinberg Campus
Administrator, Rosa Coplon Living Center
(716) 639-3311 ext. 2218
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