The Living Room Today
Our Special Love Issue

February 16th, 2023 | Volume 3 | Issue 2
From Our Hearts To Yours

Thank you for being here with us, for caring about your community, for your compassion, and self-sacrifice for the women and children of Sonoma County.

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”--Anonymous

Our world and our county are better because of wonderful people like you.

Thank you for being you!!!!!

With Love,
Cindy Pasko, E.D.
Cindy Pasko - Executive Director
Hop in our camper as we explore our Life Center and the ways we show support and love.
The Living Room's Love Story

A love for those who are in need
Is what The Living Room has indeed

From every essence of our selves
We look for many ways to help

We will be a guiding light
In the very dark of night

A warm embrace and friendly smile
A place for you to rest a while

We love deeply, we love true
Love is in all the things we do

What is it that sets us apart?
It's that we do all things with HEART!
The Life Center provides many resources and support to help the women and children of Sonoma County along their life journey, but this is just part of the story.

These are our stories of how love is shared from the staff and our participants.