Dear YIBE Members and Friends,

Rosh Chodesh Nisan, which is Wednesday night and Thursday (we do not say Tachnun the entire month of Nisan), brings many wonderful thoughts of redemption. Despite the very difficult situation we are in, here is a message of Bracha and Chizuk for our community.

We tried to get this out to you on Friday but ran into a host of technical difficulties. However, we did not give up. Here is the fruit of that persistence. 
New New Reflections
Mevorchim Hachodesh Nisan with Chazzan Ben Zion Miller
Yasher Koach to Chazzan Ben Zion Miller. A special thank you to Chaim Snow for his expert technical assistance.

If you would like to join our Daf Yomi each morning, either by phone or online, below are the links to join.

Sunday to Friday at 7AM (starting Monday March 23)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 569 435 268
Password: 652975

To join via telephone - (929) 205-6099
Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 when prompted followed by # 

Your Devoted Rav,
Rabbi Moshe Snow