Friday 18 Kislev, 5781 / December 4, 2020 Vayishlach Issue #105
Chanukkah 2020
December 10-17

Need a Menorah or candles?
Just call Chabad! 616-957-0770

Wishing you and your family a happy Chanukah!
Keeping true to our mission
The Verse:
Actual Angels:
On the verse, “Yaakov sent malachim,”’ Rashi comments: “Actual, ממש ,malachim {i.e., angels}”. On a deeper level, this means that Yaakov sent the substance, ממש ,of the angels to Eisav, but the spiritual part of the angels — their inner souls — remained with Yaakov.

The Explanation:
This requires clarification. Seemingly, how can we differentiate between the body and the soul of an angel? We must explain that even when the angels reached Eisav, their inner souls remained with Yaakov, meaning they sensed that their true place was with Yaakov.

The Maggid taught this on the Shabbos before his passing. Therefore, this teaching was like his “last will and testament,” the content of which was especially connected to the Alter Rebbe who the Maggid especially cherished. The Maggid told the Alter Rebbe: “The 19th of Kislev is our day of celebration” (because on the 19th of Kislev, 5533, the Maggid passed away, and on this same day, in the year 5559, the Alter Rebbe was redeemed from imprisonment).

The theme of the 19th of Kislev is, “Your wellsprings will spread to the outside.” Just like there are “wellsprings” of the Torah {the inner dimension of Torah}, so too there are “wellsprings” of the souls of the Jewish people, which are the inner dimensions of the soul. The theme of the 19th of Kislev is the revelation of these inner dimensions of the soul “to the outside.” In our service of Hashem, we accomplish this by knowing Hashem in all our ways. When we serve Hashem in this way, our soul is revealed to the extent that we do not feel our physical existence {as an independent existence}, yet we know Hashem through physical experiences.

This is the meaning in the teaching of the Maggid: In order that the angels should be able to positively affect Eisav, who was “on the outside,” Yaakov sent only their mamash, the external dimension of the angels that was involved in worldly matters, which was completely nullified to the inner dimension of their souls.

The Spreading of Chassidus:
The same applies regarding the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidus to the outside. In order for our Rebbe’s emissaries to be able to fulfill their mission, their inner dimension and their essence must remain with the mishalech {the sender — the Rebbe}. Their service in “the outside” world is only in order to fulfill their mission.
You're invited to join us (in PERSON(RSVP) or Via ZOOM) for
With Rabbi Yerachmiel Rabin
The Farbrengen (Chassidic Gathering) commemorates the liberation of the Alter Rebbe(Founder of Chabad Chassidism 1745-1812) from Czarist imprisonment in Russia in 1798.  

Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) 12/5/2020 7:30 pm..
@The Chabad House

Meeting ID: 856 2237 6664
Passcode: 0770

Virtual Torah & Tea

A Torah Study for Women.

Monday evening at 8:00pm

Meeting ID: 966 6623 3600
Password: jwc

To join by Phone call 929 436 2866 & enter Meeting ID and then this Password: 828451.
JLI ~ Secrets of the Bible
-6 Week Course-
with Rabbi Mordechai Haller
Class #6 - Dec 9th, 2020
Story Six
Does a higher station make You a better person?
If all people were created equal, why do some occupy more elevated positions than others? You weren’t dealt the same hand as your neighbor; does this make you inferior to them? Explore Korach’s challenge to Moses’s leadership to gain insight on privilege and every person's unique contribution to society.

To register today, visit
In PERSON Socially distant at Chabad (Or Virtual option VIA zoom on Tuesday evenings!)
For more Info or to register please contact Rabbi Mordechai at 269.903.2770 or [email protected]
Are you looking for that perfect Chanukah gift for your children, grandchildren or friends?!
We have the perfect unique Chanukah experience, delivered straight to your door. The Judaism UnBoxed Chanukah Box has everything you need for a unique Chanukah baking experience fully loaded with recipes, pre-measured ingredients, kitchen utensils and aprons, meaningful learning opportunities and lots of glowing Chanukah surprises!
Imagine your child(ren) excitement as they make and bake their own Chanukah treats while creating lasting meaningful memories together as family. It is the gift that keeps on giving. 
To order your Chanukah Box or subscription please visit our website at,
Use coupon code CHABADWM to save $10!

4:15PM - PARADE STARTS at Chabad 2615 Michigan street 

5:00PM - Grand Menorah Lighting at the Calder Plaza!

Come celebrate the 4th night of Chanukah together!
Lively Chanukah Music | Sufganiot (donuts) | exciting entertainment and more!! Following COVID-19 guidelines.
Sign up to be a part of the Grand Chanukah Car Parade and to order your own Chanukah decorations at .
Challah & Chicken Soup for the Quarantined Soul

Enjoy some Delicious Challah and Chicken soup for Shabbos.

Please send us an email by Thursday afternoon to reserve your order!

Made with Love,
Packaged with gloves.

(Sponsorship available)
~ JTEXT ~ 
Jewish Trivia Game 
Be #7 & Win $20 to Amazon!!

Mazal Tov!!
Eliana Levenzon &
Jennifer Rairigh
on winning $20 each to amazon!

Text "CTEENGR" to 616.207.1218 to join!
Jewish Trivia Game for Adults in Western Michigan!!
Be #7 & Win Kosher Wine!
 Shoshana Stoll &
Doug Delange
on winning this week!!
Text "CHABADWM" to
616.207.1218 and start playing!!
THIS WEEK IN the year...
Rabbi DovBer, known as "The Maggid of Mezeritch", was the disciple of, and successor to, the founder of Chassidism, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov. Rabbi DovBer led the Chassidic movement from 1761 until his passing on Kislev 19, 1772.

On the 19th of Kislev of the year 5559 from creation (1798), Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi -- a leading disciple of Rabbi DovBer of Mezeritch (see previous entry) and the founder of Chabad Chassidism -- was released from his imprisonment in the Peter-Paul fortress in Petersburg, where he was held for 53 days on charges that his teachings threatened the imperial authority of the Czar. More than a personal liberation, this was a watershed event in the history of Chassidism heralding a new era in the revelation of the "inner soul" of Torah, and is celebrated to this day as "The Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism."
Links: About Kislev 19

The first printing of the "bible of Chassidism", the Tanya, the magnum opus of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad.

In the first year of rule of Cyrus, the King of Persia, Jews were given permission to return to Israel and rebuild the Holy Temple. A group of Jews led by Zerubavel set out for Jerusalem and began working on the second Temple. However, the Cutheans falsely accused the Jews of plotting a rebellion against King Cyrus and were successful in halting the construction of the Holy Temple for the remainder of his reign and throughout the reign of Ahasuerus, his successor. Construction resumed in the second year of the reign of Darius, Ahasuerus's son, on the 24th of Kislev.
Phone: 616-957-0770