September 14, 2023

28 Elul, 5783

Reserve your High Holiday tickets today!

Let Chicago Loop Synagogue be your spiritual home for the High Holidays! As always, services will be in our magnificent sanctuary featuring our three-story world-renowned stained glass window. Rabbi Aron Wolgel and Cantor Jonathan Kohan will lead us in prayer, and this promises to be an uplifting and meaningful service you won’t want to miss.


Rabbi Aron Wolgel is excited to return to Chicago Loop Synagogue after having led us in ruach-filled services the last few years. A graduate of Brandeis University and the Pardes Educators Program in Jerusalem, he received Rabbinic Ordination from Machon Yashrut and is currently the Assistant Director at Yachad. He incorporates creative education strategies into his tefilah practice, and his thoughtfulness and warm personality engaged our congregation long after services had ended.


Cantor Jonathan Kohan currently serves as Director of the Cantorial Institute at Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, degrees in Cantorial and Jewish Studies from the Seminario, is a rabbinical student at the Seminario, and a Masters candidate in Jewish Studies at the Hebraica University of Mexico. He is scheduled to be a featured performer at the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie as well as other venues in North and South America. 


Discounted pricing available for students with valid ID and their parents. Discounted $10 parking for 12 hours at the Washington-Madison-Wells Garage (172 W. Madison).


To reserve your seats now or contribute to the l’dor v’dor tzedakah fund that will provide a High Holiday seat for those in need, click here.  

Yizkor Memorial Tributes

Remember and honor your loved ones with a tribute in our Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Book, which will be distributed to the congregation at High Holiday services. The cost is $18 per name.


The names of your loved ones will be remembered at Yizkor services on Wednesday, September 25.


Yizkor Tzedakah has traditionally been given in order to elevate the souls of the departed - and to enhance our personal atonement by doing a deed of loving kindness.


Please fulfill this tradition by clicking here or calling (312) 346-7370 if you are interested.


The deadline for addendum placements is Thursday, Sept. 22 at 1:00 PM.

High Holiday Service Schedule

Did you miss the Violins of Hope at Chicago Loop Synagogue?

If you want to see a clip of this past Sunday's performance of JCC Chicago's Violins of Hope, please click here.

Photos from JCC Chicago's Violins of Hope Concert at Chicago Loop Synagogue

SoulFarm and Sari pose in front of our stained glass window after the concert.

Photo courtesy of Laura Hodes Zacks.

Allison Zabelin performs in the aisles during the concert.

The crowd enjoys the concert.

The Northwestern University Music Academy Virtuosi Strings perform during JCC Chicago's Violins of Hope Concert at Chicago Loop Synagogue.

Photo courtesy of Laura Hodes Zacks.

We have Jewish Calendars

If you need a Jewish calendar for the new year, we have them available, courtesy of Piser Weinstein Funeral Home. If you would like to reserve one, please click here.

Let’s Go to the Movies

Channel your inner film critic by joining our Movie Club. Every month, the group will pick a movie, you’ll watch it online at your convenience, and then we’ll discuss it together on a zoom call. Bring your own popcorn. For more information or to register, please click here.

Open House Chicago Volunteers Needed on Sunday, October 15

Every year about 2200 people visit our beautiful building on one day in October as part of Open House Chicago. Meeting and greeting that many people is quite an experience! For more information or to join us (from 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM), please click here. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers.

Join our Shacharit Minyanim!

Shacharit services are at 8:05 AM Monday through Friday and 9:30 AM on Saturday. If you want to daven in our world-famous sanctuary, inspired by our beautiful three-story stained-glass window, please join us!


RSVPs are required; visitors must show identification when registering.


For those who are driving, due to construction there is no parking in front of our building on Clark Street, so please allow extra time to arrive. If street parking isn’t available elsewhere, remember that we have discounted parking ($10 for 12 hours) at the Washington-Madison-Wells Garage at 172 W. Madison.


For High Holiday service times, please see schedule above.


For more information or to RSVPclick here.


Click here for yahrzeits being observed in the month of Tishrei.

Vilt ir Lernen Yiddish is back and ready for you to join us!


Weekly Classes on Zoom


Beginners Class with Congregation Beth Shalom Wednesdays at 12:00 PM

Advanced Class - 1:00 PM on Thursdays

Classes resume Wednesday, October 4 and Thursday, October 5

The cost for the semester (8 classes) is $125. Click here to register.


Instructor: Eyshe Beirich - A third-year graduate student in the University of Chicago majoring in Germanic Studies and Jewish Studies, Beirich intends to pursue a Ph.D. in Yiddish Studies—extending an academic path that began two years ago as a journey of familial discovery. Join us as we explore Yiddish together!

To learn more about Eyshe, click here.


A new semester has begun. 


Class requirements: 

·        Attend class regularly

·        Practice a little bit of Yiddish each day (light homework)


If you have any questions, please contact Cary Wolovick by clicking here.

Sephardic Shabbat Weekend!


Saturday, September 23, 2023

9:00 AM

On Saturday, September 23, Shacharit will be in the Sephardic tradition and start at 9:00 AM.


The expanded Shabbat Kiddush is being sponsored by the Palacci Family.


To RSVP, contact us at (312) 346-7370 or by clicking here.

The Discussion

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

5:30 PM on Zoom

Express yourself in “The Discussion,” a lay-led zoom group that will examine an article and critique it.


We will be reading the article from Tablet Magazine "The Discussion - "Allied Forces: As evangelical support for Israel—once rock solid—erodes, one Christian group is promoting a different kind of allyship by showing up when antisemitic attacks occur" by Maggie Phillips.

To read the article, click here.

To RSVP, click here.

A Live Discussion of “Beyond Hitler’s Grasp” with Dr. Rumyana Marinova-Christidi

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

1:00 PM

It is a known fact that the Bulgarian Jews survived the Holocaust and none of them were deported to the Nazi death camps. On another hand, the Jews from the so called “New Added” territories of the Kingdom - Macedonia and Thrace - were deprived of citizenship and deported to Treblinka where they all perished.


What are the facts behind these stories and how the historians interpret them? Salvation and deportation, mythology and reality? Where does the line lie and what national historiography is choosing to hide, underline, point out or pass over in silence? What made the salvation of 48 000 Jewish lives possible in a country allied to Germany, governed by a pro-Nazi government? What made the German Ambassador to Sofia in 1943 to exclaim: “Bulgarian society does not understand the real meaning of the Jewish question… an ordinary Bulgarian does not understand the meaning of the struggle against Judaism, even more, that the racial question from its nature is incomprehensible to him.” And, why after the war, did most Bulgarian Jews prefer to leave the country that saved their lives?

Dr. Rumyana Marinova-Christidi is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and Head of “Hebraistika” BA Program (Jewish Studies), where she has taught since 2005.


Rumyana Christidi was born in Sofia in 1977. She received her Masters degree in History and Archives from the Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and her PhD. in Contemporary Bulgarian History from the same Faculty. She has been a visiting professor at the University of Haifa (Israel), Bar-Ilan University (Israel), Aristotelio University (Greece), University of Western Macedonia (Thessaloniki, Greece), the University “Carlo Bo” in Urbino (Italy), and at the Link Campus University in Rome. She is an author of two monographs and many articles published in Bulgaria and abroad. She received an award by the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria "Shalom" for her “exceptional contribution in the realization of interethnic and religious dialogue, the fight against manifestations of hate and xenophobia, and in strengthening relations between Bulgarians and Jews.”


She is a member of the Bulgarian delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and a member of the European Association for Jewish Studies. She speaks Bulgarian, English and Greek and has working knowledge of Russian.

The full program, including a kosher sandwich which can be eaten in our sukkah, is $20. The sukkah will open at noon.

Admission to the program only without food costs $10. The program will start at 1:00 PM in our downstairs social hall, which will also feature the exhibit "The Jews in Bulgarian Lands."

To watch part one of the film, please click here.


To watch part two of the film, please click here.


To watch an interview with author Michael Bar-Zohar, please click here.


To buy the book, “Beyond Hitler’s Grasp,” click here.


To register, please click here.

Book Club - Shadows On The Hudson By Isaac Bashevis Singer

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

5:30 PM - Online via Zoom


Zoom link will be provided to those who register.

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected].

Cantor Jonathan Kohan performing at the Illinois Holocaust Museum's Kristallnacht Commemoration

Cantor Jonathan Kohan

Marianne Kim

Thursday, November 7, 2023

6:00 PM

Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

9603 Woods Dr., Skokie, IL 60077

As Chicago's Jewish Community gathers at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, our Cantor Jonathan Kohan will join in the commemoration. He will be accompanied by pianist Marianne Kim. To read more about Ms. Kim, please click here.

More information will follow soon.

If you have any questions, please click here.

Our P.O. Box Address

As you may know, we’ve been having trouble getting our mail delivered. To combat the problem and ensure our mail gets to us on time, we now have a Post Office box. When you send us mail, please use this address:

Chicago Loop Synagogue

P. O. Box 2537

Chicago, IL 60690


Of course, you are always welcome to visit us in our beautiful building at 16 S. Clark St. in Chicago. Either way, we look forward to hearing from you!

For more information, click here.

Rooted in teachings from the Torah and sages, Jewish free loans are a time-honored tradition in the U.S. and beyond. In fact, most U.S. cities play host to at least one Jewish or Hebrew Free Loan agency. Unlike JFLC, some Jewish loan societies cater only to the needs of the Jewish community and do not have income caps. JFLC serves low-to moderate-income people of all backgrounds who need access to capital.

JFLC borrowers’ financial status can be wide-ranging, and their potential financial needs can also run the gamut, including:

  • General expenses: transportation, technology, and debt consolidation
  • Employment: job-search, initial costs (transportation/relocation), job training
  • Healthcare: medical, mental, and dental
  • Women & children: childcare, education, fertility, adoption
  • Education: tuition, supplies

For more information, click here.

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Chicago Loop Synagogue is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

To follow us on Instagram, click here.

Follow us on X/Twitter at @Loop_Chicago and hit the follow button!


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