Your Rotary Reminder for

Monday, Nov 4, 2024

rca magic patti logo

Sheraton UPTOWN Hotel

2600 Louisiana Blvd NE (@ Menaul Blvd)

Monday's Lunch Program

gessing paul rio grande

Nov 4

Paul Gessing


Rio Grande Foundation

New Mexico's Golden Opportunity

Paul Gessing became the first full-time President of the Rio Grande Foundation in March of 2006. Since joining the Foundation, Gessing has been a prominent voice for limited government and individual liberties in policy areas including: Constitutional liberties, taxes, health care, education, and transportation.

Full Bio

rio grande fnd logo

Blue Badge presentation

Lilianna Prado Bujanda

She is the Executive Director of the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation

Her sponsor is Tim Sheahan

lilianna prado bujanda

What fun fact will we hear about one of our Rotarians?

mystery male femal
mow logo

Another check presentation

RCA has more $$$$ to give to a community partner

RCA's district grant proposal was to give $5000 to Meals on Wheels to help with more meals, more meals, more meals

District grants require a hands-on component

We need at least 12 Rotarians

Join us in assembling holiday packages on

Tues, Nov 12 from 5-6:30pm

at the MOW office (5901 Harper Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109)

RSVP sign up at check in desk!

(or email

BTW: RCA received about $4460 from our District 5520 & our ARCF Foundation added funds to make it an even $5000. That $4460 from the District is the percent our Club earned from the $$$$ you gave to The Rotary Foundation 3 years ago.

Speaking of The Rotary Foundation . . .

NOVEMBER is The Rotary Foundation month (TRF)

TRF is a highly rated charitable organization. Chart below

They have so many ways to let you put your money in your exact area of concern anywhere around the world - including US.

6 Areas of Focus

What impact can one donation have?

  • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
  • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
  • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.

TRF allows you to set up a monthly or yearly donation - and of course a 1-time too.


Ask our own "Mr. Foundation" Tom Walker or Ann.

trf nov month sm
new areas of focus
TRF logo
TRF 2024

Monday, Nov 4 Committee meetings:


Other meetings this week (Nov 4 - 8)


every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast

7:15am @ Wecks on PDN


November Birthdays

Nov 1-10

Kathleen Mansmann

Mark Tobiassen

Marta Parnall

Ron Salley

Next Monday's

Rotary Program

goodman mark 2020

Nov 11

Mark Goodman

The Road Less Travelled By: Choosing a Pilgrimage

Monday, Nov 11 Committee meetings:

1 pm: International Service Committee (ISC) meets

Everyone is welcomed to attend & get involved in the club's international grants

Other meetings next week (Nov 11 - 15)

Fri, Nov 15: RCA Board

12 noon - 1pm


every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast

7:15am @ Wecks on PDN

mow logo

RCA's next service project

Tuesday, Nov 12


Meals on Wheels

Holiday Care Packages to assembly

at the MOW office (5901 Harper Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109)

RSVP sign up at check in desk!

(or email

mow flyer nov 12

November Programs

Nov 18

Trish Henning

Next Generation of the VLA

The WHEELS logo

Nov. 24 from 2-4pm

Come celebrate with RCA

We'll get to see the thank you sponsorship plaque to our club

And better yet, we'll see the new display cabinets filled & in use

wheels telegram invite

Nov 25

Don Tarry


RCA Office Notes

October - December dues statements were emailed 2 weeks ago.

Check your spam folders!

Let Ann know if you need another copy

If you have a cc on file, they were charged this week.

I apologize that I did charge your cards for Rotary dues 2x in the same month. Hopefully should never happen again

fall nmya shows

RCA selected NM Young Actors as our nonprofit this Rotary year.

We'll be holding fundraising activities in spring

Meanwhile you can support them now by attending their Fall shows

nmya logo
The WHEELS logo

A variety of events every weekend!

check them out on their website

           Saturday, November 2, 11:00 AM

           WHEELS Museum, 1100 Second St. SW, ABQ

           Phone: (505) 243-6269

          Admission is Free, but donations are gratefully accepted.


Greg Hasman, Photographer and Journalist

Travelling the Roads of New Mexico, 75,000 miles of Road Trips

There is something majestic about traveling through the Southwest. From the magical White Sands to Route 66, there is something indescribable about the places in the Land of Enchantment and beyond. Roadside photographer and journalist Gregory Hasman will talk about his love of open roads and a few of his favorite trips in the Southwest, and why traveling down two-lane highways is so important in promoting and preserving a piece of Americana.

Yes, RCA is still zooming Mondays!

Join URL: same as always
Meeting ID: 857 3355 6745                                Passcode: 794895