June 24, 2021

Round 13 Brownfield Municipal Grant Recipients Announced

Governor Lamont today announced that the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is awarding a total of $19,102,130 in grants for Round 13 of the Brownfield Municipal Grant program. These awards represent the Governor’s continuing commitment to support Connecticut’s municipalities in their efforts to remediate and redevelop vacant and blighted properties across the state.  
DECD received a total of 52 applications at the full application stage of the process, requesting $39,519,160 in funding. DECD is awarding $16,914,070 to fourteen remediation and redevelopment projects and $2,188,060 to seventeen assessment-only projects. These thirty-one projects will impact approximately 418 acres of brownfield properties in 23 municipalities.
For more details on the specific awards, please view Governor Lamont’s announcement.

DECD’s Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development (OBRD) is expecting to announce another round of funding in August; latest by early September. Details and a tentative schedule of future rounds will be posted shortly on the OBRD Website at www.ctbrownfields.gov.