We at The Reunion Project (TRP) want to express our gratitude to all of the participants and attendees of the Thriving With HIV: Let The Good Times Roll 2-Day Town Hall last weekend in New Orleans, Louisiana!

We are privileged to have met and connected with so many new individuals and communities, celebrating the familiar ones, and honoring the loved ones who have passed. And though the energy and vibrations from New Orleans are still rippling outward, the community voices of those living and aging with HIV in and around the Crescent City, as well as their allies and loved ones sharing their experiences, still powerfully resonate.


This town hall was just another example of when our respective communities create and develop safe, inclusive, and welcoming spaces for people living and aging with HIV, our allies, and loved ones—despite the differences in our lived experiences and backgrounds—it can lead to positive health outcomes, as well as making new and meaningful connections along the way!

The staff at both The Reunion Project and the National Working Positive Coalition want to give a huge thank you to the New Orleans Host Committee for creating the informative and detailed program, along with intentionally designing a safe and inclusive space hosted by the First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans. 


And, we are proud to officially welcome the southeast Louisiana community as a proud new member of The Reunion Project alliance of long-term survivors, and we are beyond thankful for all of the uniqueness and strength that this community has brought to our growing networks and organization.

For information on how to connect with The Reunion Project to collaborate on a future in-person or virtual event, please contact Larry Bryant at [email protected].

If you are not part of our mailing list, please email [email protected] to receive notifications about our upcoming in-person and virtual events, or visit us online at reunionproject.net.

To view the Facebook Live recording from the employment panel discussion on Day One, click here. To view the beginning of the program for Day Two, click here. To view the sessions "HIV and Aging" (begins at 23 minutes) and "U=U for Older Adults" (begins at 1:25), click here.

Day One Employment Slides
Day Two Town Hall Slides
HIV and Aging Slides
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