DATE: Wednesday, 9/28/22
A traffic hold between 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. is scheduled for Thursday (9/29) for blasting operations. Motorists should anticipate delays of approximately 15-20 min during this time frame.
One way alternating traffic will be in effect throughout the remainder of this week into next week. Flaggers will be present to regulate the flow of traffic.
A work zone speed reduction is now in place. The speed limit in the work zone has been reduced to 40 mph. A speed check has been installed on the west end of the project zone. Fines are doubled for speeding within the work zone. Motorists are urged to reduce speed coming into the project area.
Travel will remain reduced from two lanes to one lane in the project area for eastbound traffic (traffic heading out of Bennington/Woodford toward Searsburg and Wilmington).
Brief periods of intermittent full stoppages of traffic may be required at various times throughout the week next week.
The next blast is currently scheduled to occur on Thursday, 9/29 . Traffic will be held in both directions for up to 15 minutes between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on these days in order to ensure safety for the traveling public before, during and after the blast. Once the roadway has been cleared of any debris, traffic will be released to flow through the project area.
It is anticipated that the contractor will be working on Saturday, 10/1 in order to work on drilling operations in preparation for Wednesday's blast. Motorists should anticipate brief traffic holds to allow for movement of construction vehicles and equipment in and out of the construction zone.
Scaling/removal of excess ledge material will be ongoing. Trucks will be hauling excess material off site.